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Next to the officious human "dragon" that guards its portals, there is probably no one feature in all the great libraries of a western metropolis that causes so much caustic comment and rebellious criticism as that of an immense placard in its main reading room bearing in gigantic letters the command, SILENCE this perpetual affront being found in a great reference library frequented only by scholarly patrons.

The captains had long ago given up this beloved dish, because, although each had tried his hand at preparing it, none had wholly succeeded, and the caustic criticisms of the other two had prevented further trials. But Mrs. Snow's baked beans were a triumph. So, also, was the brown bread. "I snum," exclaimed Captain Perez, "if I don't b'lieve I'd sooner have these beans than turkey.

She will be glad, because she is bored. IN the course of two days my affairs have gained ground tremendously. Princess Mary positively hates me. Already I have had repeated to me two or three epigrams on the subject of myself rather caustic, but at the same time very flattering.

He gave a graphic account of the scene in the magistrate's office; the assumption of haughty dignity and defiance on the part of the viscount; the pitiable terrors of the ex-opera singer; the vindictive triumph of Katie; and the broad accent, caustic humor, and official obstinacy of the magistrate. Ishmael, when appealed to, assisted his memory. Claudia was gravely interested.

After a moment's survey, the ex-Prime-Minister turned to answer the frank and caustic words addressed to him by the Duchess of Snowdon concerning the Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs. Presently he said: "But there is method in his haste, dear lady. He is good at his dangerous game. He plays high, he plunges; but, somehow, he makes it do.

These remarkable letters accordingly contained a good deal of the caustic or humorous discussion of Parliamentary personalities, in which Ferrier Ferrier at his ease excelled; and many passages, besides, in connection with the measures desired by the Left Wing of the party, steeped in the political pessimism, whimsical or serious, in which Ferrier showed perhaps his most characteristic side at moments of leisure or intimacy; while the moods expressed in outbreaks of the kind had little or no effect on his pugnacity as a debater or his skill as a party strategist, in face of the enemy.

This a little experience will readily teach. It is further to be particularly observed that the inflammation attendant on a recent wound is removed by the caustic, when the same degree of inflammation at a later period, and with suppuration, would be aggravated and require the cold poultice and lotion, and render the formation of an adherent eschar impossible.

On the following day, I found that my patient had slept well for the first time since the developement of inflammation, and had suffered far less, after the smarting pain from the application of the caustic had subsided, than before; the punctured orifices were open, and the skin, which was extremely tense the day before, was become soft and flexible.

With this caustic saying he suddenly left them, the procession standing silently staring after him as he took his way through the woods in the dusky red shadows of the autumnal gloaming. Aurelia's vaunted home was indeed a poor place, not even the rude though substantial log-cabin common to the region.

He applied to them the usual remedies. Patrocinio was watched day and night to prevent a re-application of the caustic, and the openings were soon healed.