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The rapids are but a third of a mile in length, during which distance there is a fall of fifty-two feet. The boat caught in these rapids stands but a poor chance, as at the end of the torrent the water dashes down a cataract over 150 feet deep.

The three snow-summits of Monte Sfiorito, at the valley's end, seemed almost insubstantial floating forms of luminous pink vapour, above the hazy horizon, in a pure sky intensely blue. A familiar verse came into Peter's mind. "Really," he said to himself, "down to the very 'cataract leaping in glory, I believe they must have pre-arranged the scene, feature for feature, to illustrate it."

I follow virtues also; they differ not by the thickness of a nail, they are both scythes for the reaping angel of Death. Evil, for which I live, consists not in action but in character. The bad man is dear to me; not the bad act, whose fruits, if we could follow them far enough down the hurtling cataract of the ages, might yet be found more blessed than those of the rarest virtues.

For example, Aulus was a cataract on her eye; the fountain of light had not flowed to him yet. Neither was it permitted her to rear her son in Truth.

Then, as he looked, something ran out upon the edge of the great rock beside the cataract, and he clutched at his own breast to hold back what he thought must burst forth in words. For he knew as surely as he knew that Wabi was at his side that he was looking upon John Ball!

The Kaibar Cataract is, during the flood, scarcely any hindrance to navigation; but at Hannek, about thirty miles further on, the three miles of islands, rocks, rapids, and broken water which are called the Third Cataract are, except at high Nile, a formidable barrier, Once this is passed, there is open water for more than 200 miles at all seasons to Merawi.

In a few hours' time, in the central portion of Cataract Canyon, we experienced nearly enough thrills to last us a lifetime. In one or two of the upper canyons we thought we were running rapids. Now we were learning what rapids really were. No sooner were we through one than another presented itself.

The Marchesino got up. "Let us go there. The Marchesa with papa it is better than the Compagnia Scarpetta! I will present you." But Artois was in no mood for a cataract of nothingness. "Not now," he said. "I have " The Marchesino shot a cruel glance of impudent comprehension at him, and touched his left hand in token of farewell. "I know! I know! The quickest horse to the Toledo. A-ah! A-ah!

Crime is the rushing rapid, which, but for some kind miracle, inevitably carries on through circling eddies, and a foamy swinging tide, to the cataract of death and wo: haste, poor fisherman of Erie, paddle hard back, stem the torrent, cling to the shore, hold on tight by this friendly bough; know you not whither the headlong current drives? hear you not the roar of many waters, the maddening rush as of an ocean disenthralled? feel you not the earth trembling at the thunder see you not the heaven clouded o'er with spray?

So did this impression master his nerves that he was glad indeed when the furnace door was opened for fuel, and he could see only the inanimate, ever-descending sheet of water the reverse interior aspect of Hoho-hebee Falls all suffused with the uncanny tawny light, but showing white and green tints like its diurnal outer aspect, instead of the colorless outlines, resembling a drawing of a cataract, which the cave knew by day.