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"I think so, Bob; only the doctor says I'm to be very careful." "Of course you have to be, my lad. But don't you fidget; I'll tell you when number one cask's ripe, and then don't you expect too much, for it's like lots o' things in this here world; it may turn out werry disappointing. You puts in pounds o' trouble, and don't get out an ounce o' good.

I dare swear I have more of it in me than the student, and I'm only a poor tub compared to the huckster." Then the goblin put the tongue upon the coffee-mill, and, mercy! how it began to go! And he put it upon the butter-cask, and on the cash-box: they were all of the waste-paper cask's opinion, and the opinion of the majority must be respected. "Now I shall tell it to the student!"

This cask's about as heavy as nitre." "What 'a' you got in that cask, Dick?" said the boatswain, who kept a tally at the gangway. "Nitre or bullets, I guess," said Dick, struggling to get the cask on to the gang plank. "It's as heavy as it knows how." "Give Dick a hand there," the boatswain ordered. A seaman who was standing somewhere behind me came forward, jogging my elbow as he passed.

That will do, and we'll be on deck all night. I don't see that we can do anything more to make the hatch safe." "No, sir, nothing. That cask's a puzzle for 'em. We've got 'em safe now." "Yes, Tom, and they're having a taste of what it means to coop up fellow-creatures below hatches like cattle." Then came the tropic darkness, as if a heavy veil were drawn slowly over the sky.

The so-called rum was often inferior arrack deadliest of spirits with which the Sydney of those days poisoned the Pacific. The men usually began each season with a debauch and ended it with another. A cask's head would be knocked out on the beach, and all invited to dip a can into the liquor. They were commonly in debt and occasionally in delirium.

"Seems to me as though it sounded from yonder," says Jackson, looking away over the starboard beam of the boat. "What have ye there, men?" says I, nodding at a bundle of canvas under the amidship thwart. "Ship's bread," answered Jackson, with a note of sulkiness in his voice. "It was hove to us on my asking for a bite. She was a liberal barque. The cask's more 'n three-quarters full."