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Then if the kine of their own accord took the cart to Bethshemesh, it would be known that it was the God of Israel who had plagued the land; but if they refused to go, then it might be chance which had done it. The Ark was placed in the cart, and the Spirit of the Lord came upon the kine.

'Well, you see, they usually cart them into the Board Room, I believe, only this time the governors were going to have a meeting there. They couldn't very well meet in a room with the table all covered with silver pots. 'Don't see why. 'Well, I suppose they could, really, but some of the governors are fairly nuts on strict form.

I can stand a week, perhaps a fortnight of this now. But I don't care for it for any long period. At the bottom of this high and steep hill is the quaintest little town I ever saw. There are some streets so narrow that when a donkey cart comes along the urchins all have to run to the next corner or into doors.

"Don't be such a donkey, Beauty!" laughed the Seraph, while his charger threatened to passage into an oyster cart. "You don't appreciate the majesty of great plans," rejoined Beauty reprovingly. "There's an immense deal in what I'm saying. Think what we might do for society think how we might extinguish snobbery, if we just dedicated our smash to Mankind.

"If the wall is thinner upstairs," said Agamemnon, "it will do as well to cut a window as a door, and haul up anything the butcher may bring below in his cart." Everybody began to pound a little on the wall to find a favorable place, and there was a great deal of noise. The little boys actually cut a bit out of the plastering with their hatchet and gimlet.

I will see you into the train at this end, and they will meet you at the other with the cart. It's three miles from the railway." As they passed out together, he added meditatively, "I think you'll like the old mill, Chirpy. It's thatched." "I'm sure I shall," she answered earnestly.

The mule lost no time but headed for the distant corral at a canter; and Burley, grinning like a great, splendid, intelligent dog who has just done something to be proud of, stepped into the market cart and seated himself beside Maryette. "Who told you where I am going?" she asked, scarcely knowing whether to laugh or let loose her indignation. "Your father, Carillonnette."

She moistened the temples and dry lips, lifted the bound head to her lap, striving for some expression of her desire to heal, to care for, to restore to life the broken sister that fate had cast into her hands. Mrs. Meeker came and peered over the side of the cart, shaking her head dubiously. "Looks like to me she'd never open her eyes again." Pancha was pierced with an angry resentment.

"Don't you know who the three famous Northmen are," said Jonas, "who do so much mischief?" "No," said Rollo, "I never heard of them before." "Well," said Jonas, "I will tell you some time, but now I must go away with the cart." Jonas had been harnessing the horse into the cart, in the yard, while Rollo had been talking with him, and now was about ready to go away.

The one we obtained had not been in the shafts for more than two years and was badly frightened when we brought him near the cart. It was a liberal education to see our Mongol handle that horse! He first put a hobble on all four legs, then he swung a rope about the hind quarters, trussed him tightly, and swung him into the shafts.