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You won't even have nerve enough to dream about 'em. Once there was a man " Carol deliberately removed Miss Landbury's arm from her waist, and climbed up on the bed beside David. Miss Landbury shuffled as close to the bed as propriety would at all admit, and clutched the blanket with desperate fingers.

But to Carol he would always be a brown streak of perfect horsemanship. Whatever could that awful Connie be thinking of? The days passed sweetly and restfully on the Bijou lawn, but one day, most unaccountably to Connie, Prince had an appointment with his business partner down at Brush. He would ride Ruby down and be back in time for dinner at night if it killed him. Connie was cross about that.

Dear, precious David so terribly ill, and poor little Carol getting ready to take him away to a strange and awful country, and the world full of sadness and weeping and gnashing of teeth, and yet from the open windows of the manse came the clear ring of Carol's laughter, followed closely by David's deeper voice.

"Absolutely true," declared the Scotchman. "I was in the searchin' party that found him." "I I don't believe in spirits, I mean haunting spirits," said Carol, stiffening her courage and her backbone by a strong effort.

"It is funny," said Nancy Tucker, "but it seems awful to laugh at such things." "Awful! Not a bit of it," declared Barrows. "It's religious. Doesn't it say in the Bible, 'Laugh and the world laughs with you, Die and the world laughs on'?" "I laugh, but I am ashamed of myself," confessed Carol. "What do women want to spoil a good story for?" protested Nevius. "That's a funny story, and it is true.

Then, when Grandfather had finished reading, and closed the Bible, they all sang a Christmas carol, which they always sings together every Christmas in that house; and they sang it out so clear and strong, that a traveler in a sleigh, way down at the cross-roads, heard it, and it sounded so good that he stopped his horse in spite of the storm, and listened till it was over.

Fairy was frankly amazed, and a little inclined to be amused. "Ask the twins," she said tersely, "I know nothing about it." At that moment, the luckless Carol went running through the hall. Prudence knew it was she, without seeing, because she had a peculiar skipping run that was quite characteristic and unmistakable. "Carol!" she called. And Carol paused. "Carol!" more imperatively.

Then indeed, though with great pain, I raised myself upon my elbow, and peered about my cell, and called aloud for some one to come, thinking some one must be within hearing, for the sounds of life were all about me: the tramp of horses on the road outside, the even fall of a workman's hammer, the sweet husky carol of a slave's song, and the laughter of children at play.

I do not expect a stranger to love our old homestead as I loved it, for in each heart is a fresh, green spot the memory of its own early home where the sunshine was brighter, the well waters cooler, and the song-bird's carol sweeter than elsewhere they are found.

Last year our subject was Men and Women of the Bible, and next year we'll probably take up Furnishings and China. My, it does make a body hustle to keep up with all these new culture subjects, but it is improving. So will you help us with the discussion today?" On her way over Carol had decided to use the Thanatopsis as the tool with which to liberalize the town.