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In "The Dream Child," a foundling boy, drifting in through a storm in a dory, saves a heart-broken mother from insanity. In "Jane's Baby," a baby-cousin brings reconciliation between the two sisters, Rosetta and Carlotta, who had not spoken for twenty years because "the slack-twisted" Jacob married the younger of the two.

Carlotta was prettier than ever with a new sweetness and womanliness which her love had wrought in her during the year. People who had known her mother said she was growing daily more like Rose though always before they had traced a greater resemblance to the other side of the house, to her Aunt Lottie particularly. She and Philip were to be married in the spring.

Once one could scarcely drag him from his cell to the quietest of dinners, and now has he told you of his dissipations this past month, Mrs. Mainwaring?" Judith smiled. "Have you been Mephistopheles?" "What is Mephistopheles?" asked Carlotta. "The devil," said Pasquale, "who made Sir Marcus young again." "Oh, that's me," cried Carlotta, clapping her hands.

Then thick and fast came rumors pointing to the tottering condition of Maximilian's Empire-first, that Orizaba and Vera Cruz were being fortified; then, that the French were to be withdrawn; and later came the intelligence that the Empress Carlotta had gone home to beg assistance from Napoleon, the author of all of her husband's troubles.

The voice of Strozzi was heard in the anteroom, and in a few moments Carlotta removed the key to the inside. With one bound Laura reached the door, and fastened it within. Then crossing the parlor, she locked herself within her boudoir, and, falling on her knees, besought the blessing of God upon her flight for she was resolved to fly that very night.

Carlotta's lovely eyes flashed surprise and delight before she lowered them. "But, Daddy," she said. "He hasn't got very much money. And it takes a great deal of money for me." "You had better learn to get along with less then," snapped Harrison Cressy. "I tell you, Carlotta, money is nothing the stupidest, most useless, rottenest stuff in the world." Carlotta opened her eyes very wide.

Of late months she has been subject to moodiness, emotional variability, which has somewhat ruffled the smooth surface of our companionship. But to-day there has been no trace of "temperament." She has shown herself the pleasant, witty Judith she knows I like her to be, with a touch of coquetry thrown in on her own account. She even spoke amiably of Carlotta.

If I had loved Judith with the great passion of a man's love for woman, not all the converted rascals in Christendom could have come between us. And her seeing Carlotta poor woman what does it matter? What did she say about Carlotta? "She laughed and threw stones at a little dog." Oh, my God! November 12th This way madness lies.

If Carlotta wants happiness with me I am afraid she will have to come to Dunbury." "You won't reconsider?" "There is nothing to reconsider. There never was any question. I am sorry you even raised one in Dad's mind. You shouldn't have gone to him in the first place. You should have come to me. It was for me to settle." "Highty, tighty!" fumed the exasperated magnate.

And in any case she had no fear that any one even just looking at Phil would question her choice. Carlotta was not the woman to choose a man she would have to apologize for. Phil would hold his own with the best of them and she knew it. He was a man every inch of him, and what more could any woman ask?