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The adjutant then commands: 1. Present, 2. ARMS, faces toward the new officer of the day, salutes, and then reports: Sir, the guard is formed. The new officer of the day, after the adjutant has reported, returns the salute with the hand and directs the adjutant: March the guard in review, sir. The adjutant caries saber, faces about, brings the guard to an order, and commands: 1. Guard, 4.

The breaking of hard things with the teeth was recognized as one of the most frequent causes of such deterioration of the enamel as gives opportunity for the development of decay. The eating of sweets, and especially the sticky sweets preserves and the like was recognized as an important source of caries.

If the gummatous tissue degenerates and breaks down, and especially if the overlying skin is perforated and septic infection is superadded, the bone disintegrates and exhibits the condition known as syphilitic caries; sometimes a portion of bone has its blood supply so far interfered with that it dies syphilitic necrosis.

Less than three months afterward the patient died with all the symptoms of marasmus, due to difficult deglutition, and at the autopsy an abscess was seen in the posterior wall of the pharynx, opposite the 3d cervical vertebra; extensive caries was also noticed in the bodies of the 2d, 3d, and 4th cervical vertebrae.