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JAMES GIBBONS, ESQ., Vice President, F.B. 333 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. THOMAS LAVAN, ESQ., 13 Superior Street, Cleveland, Ohio. T.J. QUINN, ESQ., Albany, N.Y. MILES D. SWEENEY, ESQ., San Francisco. Cal. JOHN CARLETON, ESQ., Bordentown, N.J. F.B. GALLAGHER, ESQ., Buffalo, N.Y. P.W. DUNNE, ESQ., Peoria. Ill. EDWARD L. CAREY, ESQ., New York City.

"Don't listen to her, my dear: and I'll tell you what Jessie Carey is. She is an honest, good-natured girl as ever lived; always ready to help every one, never thinking of trouble, without an atom of selfishness." "Now for the but, grandpapa," cried Beatrice. "I allow all that, only grant me the but."

"Now, Carey, $157,432.55, at seven per cent per annum, compounded annually for twenty annums, aggregates a heap of money. I wore myself out trying to figure the exact sum, and finally concluded to call it square at half a million.

But he cannot, unaided, maintain the ship, even for one summer. On June 14, Willoughby ‘took a great cold’ in his ship, lying at the haven mouth, awaiting a wind, and died suddenly. On July 20, Carey says that his body has been placed, with all honourable rites, on board his ship.

This refers to his brother Richard Carey Morse, who was still pursuing his theological studies. The visit of the young couple to Charleston was a most enjoyable one, and the artist found many patrons eager to be immortalized by his brush. On December 22, 1818, he writes to his parents: "Lucretia is well and contented.

A humble, peaceful, circumspect, disinterested, faithful, peaceable, and zealous conduct like his will render you a blessing to society. Brother Carey is greatly respected and beloved by all denominations here. I will tell you what I have foreborne to tell him lest it should hurt his modesty. Good old Mr. Newton says: 'Mr.

At the office Carey matched for half-crowns with his fellow-clerks, read the sporting news, and busied himself in computations, in connection with his "system" by which he should infallibly win at cards. Little by little his system absorbed the wrecks left to him of his fortune; and he had nothing to live upon but his salary and the money which his wife allowed him.

"O mother, Jessie has been talking such gossip, and Allen likes it, and won't have it stopped! I can't think what makes Allen and Bobus both so foolish whenever she is here." "She is a very pretty creature," said Carey, smiling a little. "Pretty!" repeated Janet. "What has that to do with it?" "A great deal, as you will have to find out in the course of your life, my dear."

What they did know, because it had oozed out some time before, was that Cyril Carey, though a banker's son, was lamentably weak in arithmetic, and his handwriting would have been held a disgrace to any shop-boy. Money was required to start lads in the world in the humblest fashion. Ned Hewett wanted an outfit, and if possible furniture for his station-house, that he might not begin on credit.

Anne looked up with shining, affectionate eyes. "I'm most big now, you know, Mrs. Patterson," she said. "I'm eight years old and going on nine. I love to be your girl, but " her lip quivered "I do wish I knew where Uncle Carey was." "Suppose, Anne, you write to some of your relatives," suggested Miss Drayton, "any whose addresses you know.