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The surer sign was in the man himself, and much pondering of the matter led me to think that Jean Le Marchant might well be something more than simply the successful smuggler he seemed, and that Carette's dainty lady ways might well be the result of natural growth and not simply of the Miss Maugers' polishing. I would not have had it otherwise.

She was tying the sling behind my neck when my grandfather and George Hamon came in together. Uncle George gave me very hearty greeting, and they complimented Aunt Jeanne on her handiwork, and then asked her advice, and all the while I was in fear lest some incautious word from one or the other should weight Carette's heart with over-sudden news of her brother's death.

For myself I delight to recall them, but if I were to tell you one quarter of all our doings and sayings when we were boy and girl together, with but one will and that Carette's it would make a volume passing bounds.

While I was still staring at him, Carette's voice came from its hiding-place "It is Phil Carré come to look for me, father. He is my good friend. You will give him welcome." "Ah-ha! Mademoiselle commands," and the keen face softened somewhat and broke into a smile, which was still somewhat grim. "Monsieur Phil Carré, I greet you! I can hardly say you are welcome, as I do not care for visitors.

And so the yellow cockleshell became Carette's golden bridge, and thereafter her comings and goings knew no bounds but her own wilful will and the states of the tides and the weather. Krok's ideas in the matter of seigneurial rights of flotsam and jetsam were by no means as strict as his master's, especially where Carette was concerned. In his mute, dog-like way he worshipped Carette.

Wood in The Sahara. Rais, a Marabout. Sheikh of Slaves. Complaints of the People to me. Mr. Frederick Warrington. M. Carette's brochure on Saharan Commerce. Trait of Tolerance. Growing reputation of Said. Preach anti-Slavery Doctrines in the Street of Slaves. Ignorance of the People on Geography. Talismans in Africa. The Queen of England's Physic. Rais's Desert Politics. Increase of Patients.

But for that troublesome young Torode, and all that was implied in the fact that Carette's arms would be round him on the homeward journey, I would have been the happiest man in Sercq that day. As it was, it was in my mind to make the most of my half of it.

With young Torode in my mind, and Jean Le Marchant's probable intentions respecting Carette, and Carette's own wonderful growth which seemed to put us on different levels, and the smallness of my own prospects, I could not bring myself to venture any loverly talk, though my heart was full of loving thoughts and growing intention.

Foremost among the free-traders were Carette's father and brothers on Brecqhou, whereby, as I have said, Carette spent much of her time on Sercq with her aunt Jeanne Falla, which was all for her good, and much to her and my enjoyment.

And Jean Le Marchant led me back across the Island to the Galé de Jacob, and stood watching me from Belème till I scrambled in among the rocks at the foot of Saut de Juan. That was the first time I visited Carette's home and met her father, though her brothers I had seen at times on Sercq, viewing them from a distance with no little awe on account of the many strange stories told about them.