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In spite of this harshness to the mother, the Emperor loved the son tenderly; and I brought him to him often, on which occasions he caressed the child, gave him a great many dainties, and was much amused by his vivacity and repartees, which showed remarkable intelligence for his age. This child and that of the Polish beauty, of whom I will speak later, Born 1810, died 1868.

Consequently, for a personal indulgence, she mused; she caressed maternally the object of her musing; of necessity, she excluded Nesta; but in tenderness she gave Dartrey a fair one to love him. The scene was waved away. That one so loving him, partly worthy of him, ready to traverse the world now beside him who could it be other than she who knew and prized his worth? Foolish!

That night Alftruda heard him by her side in the still hours, weeping silently to himself. She caressed him: but he gave no heed to her. "I believe," said she bitterly at last, "that you love Torfrida still better than you do me." And Hereward answered, like Mahomet in like case, "That do I, by heaven. She believed in me when no one else in the world did."

Scudder soothed and caressed her daughter, but maintained still in her breast a tender pertinacity of purpose, such as mothers will, who think they are conducting a child through some natural sorrow into a happier state. Mary was not one, either, to yield long to emotion of any kind.

He picked up a flat, pint bottle and caressed its label with reminiscent finger tips. "Many's the time me an' old Tommy Pepper drove stage together," he mused. "Throwed 'im at a bear once that I met in the trail over in Colorado when I hadn't no gun on me. Busted a pint on his nose man! Then I never waited to see what happened.

Sherbrooke agreed without hesitation; and on their return to the library, the Earl wrote for some time, while his companion talked with and caressed the boy. When the Earl had done, he handed one of the papers he had written to Sherbrooke, who read it attentively, and then signing it returned it to the Earl.

I thought she looked more beautiful than ever. She came up to little Marcella and caressed her: the child burst into tears, and sobbed as if her heart would break. "But, not to detain you with too long a story, the huntsman and his daughter were accommodated in the cottage. My father and he went out hunting daily, leaving Christina with us.

"He means old Coffin. Nice bird, hey?" He slipped a hand through the cage-door, and caressed him, scratching his head. "If you please, sir," said I, "it's Captain Coffin I'm looking for." "Drunk again!" screamed the bird. "Damn my giblets, drunk again!" "He don't like Coffin, and that's a fact," said the barber. "He don't appear to, sir," I agreed. "You'll find the old fellow down the yard.

With Graeme she was, in a day or two, just what she had been before she went away a dear child and sister, to be checked and chided, now and then; to be caressed and cared for always; growing, day by day, dearer and fairer to her sister's loving eyes. She was glad to be at home again.

And down in the meadow Muskwa ran to Thor with a bit of warm black hide in his mouth, and Thor lowered his great bleeding head, and just once his red tongue shot out and caressed Muskwa's face. For the little tan-faced cub had proved himself; and it may be that Thor had seen and understood. Neither Thor nor Muskwa went near the caribou meat after the big fight.