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When he saw that I smiled, he added, "I do not jest; you may be so if you please. The Queen has ordered me to tell you that she puts the King and Crown into your hands." He showed me a letter written in the Cardinal's own hand to the Queen, which concluded thus: "You know, madame, that the greatest enemy I have in the world is the Coadjutor.

But like all too cunning schemers, these pious detectives overreached the goal of their intention, and bearing in mind the fact of the Cardinal's unsuspecting simplicity, it never occurred to them to think he had been put on his guard so soon, or that he would take advantage of any secret way of flight.

He will live in history, not as the recluse of Edgbaston, nor as the wearer of the Cardinal's hat which fell to his lot, almost too late to save the credit of the Vatican, when he had passed the normal limit of human life, but as the real founder and leader of nineteenth century Anglo-Catholicism, the movement which he created and then tried in vain to destroy.

He had not asked before, from dread of a negative; but Romola had seen by his listening face and restless movements that nothing else was in his mind. "No, father, he had to go to a supper at the cardinal's: you know he is wanted so much by every one," she answered, in a tone of gentle excuse.

Without further words he signed to Angela to retire, and passing through the antechamber, he opened the door of the Cardinal's room and entered abruptly. The Cardinal was seated, he rose as Moretti appeared.

The fact was, however, that the list of casualties in the cardinal's camp during the six weeks' siege amounted to six hundred, while the losses within the city were at least as many.

Yes! it's the lion conquered by the insect; the infinitesimally small disposing of the infinitely great; the train-bearer whose proper part is to sit at his cardinal's feet like a faithful hound in reality reigning over him, and impelling him in whatsoever direction he chooses. Ah! the Jesuit! the Jesuit!

Curiously enough, over yonder" and he pointed to a yellow parchment in a black ebony frame hanging upon the panelled wall of the hall "over there is one of the Cardinal's letters to Erskine, which shows the infamous cleric's smooth, insinuating style when it suited his purpose. I'll go and get it for you to read." The young man rose, and, taking it down, brought it to her.

On leaving Oxford he visited the universities of France and Italy and returned to England in 1525. Henry attempted in vain to secure Pole's support on the divorce question, and on the appearance of his book, "Pro Unitate Ecclesiastica," he was sent for by the king, and when he refused to come, an act of attainder was passed against him. In 1537 Pole was induced to accept a cardinal's hat.

Do not fail to let me know each day if anything new takes place." Hector felt that there was no more to say, and bowing, left the cardinal's presence and went out. Paolo and Macpherson were waiting outside.