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My whole Being rejoiced, for Heaven seemed to be showing me, through the atrocious Cardillac, the way to escape from the hell in which I was being tortured. Quite contrarily to Cardillac's wish, I resolved that I would get access to you and speak with you. As Anne Brusson's son, and your former pet, I thought I would throw myself at your feet and tell you everything.

When day came what had been done in the darkness was brought clearly to light." "But, in the name of all the Saints," cried Mademoiselle Scuderi, "considering all the circumstances which I have told you at such length, can you think of any motive for this diabolical deed?" "Hm!" answered La Regnie. "Cardillac was anything but a poor man. He had valuable jewels in his possession."

Bobby was not inclined to spare her. As an onlooker during these last months he felt that she, perhaps, was more guiltily responsible for the catastrophe than any other human being. "Clare," he said, trying to fix her eyes. "She's gone off to Cardillac to Paris." Then he was himself held by the tragedy of those two faces. They faced each other across the room.

You shall take her the jewels. When he mentioned your name, Mademoiselle, dark veils seemed to be taken away, revealing the bright image of my happy early childhood, rising again in glowing colours before me. A wonderful comfort came into my soul, a ray of hope, driving the dark shadows away. Cardillac saw the effect his words had produced upon me, and gave it his own interpretation.

'I have paid the Englishman's debt, Gourval! quoth he, and so rode away, laughing so that he could scarce sit his horse, leaving mine host still nailed to his door. Such is the story of the hole which you have marked, and of the smudge upon the wood. I have heard that from that time English archers have been better treated in the auberge of Cardillac. But what have we here by the wayside?"

He had sent a note round to Craven's rooms; he had said, "Come in to see me after the match -five o'clock. I have something to tell you." At five o'clock then. . . . Meanwhile it was nice of Cardillac to come. They exchanged no words about it, but they understood one another entirely.

Bobby started forward "God, Peter, what " "She's gone away, Bobby," Peter said, in a voice that shook a little but was otherwise grave and almost a whisper, so low was it. "She's gone away to Cardillac." Then he added to himself "Cardillac is my best friend." Then he said "Listen," and he read the letter straight through. He repeated some of the phrases "What you did on April 12."

Miss Annett came in with the lunch. As Olva was changing into his football things, Cardillac appeared. "Come up to the field with me, will you? I've got a hansom." Olva finished tying his boots and stood up. Cardillac looked at him. "My word, you seem fit." "Yes, I'm splendid, thanks." He felt splendid. Never before had he been so conscious of the right to be alive.

He took his place as centre three-quarter with Cardillac outside left and Tester and Buchan on the other wing. Old Lawrence was standing, a solid rock of a figure, back. There was a great crowd present. The tops of the hansom cabs in the road beyond rose above the wall, and he could hear, muffled with distance, shots from the 'Varsity firing range.

Mademoiselle Scuderi, who was exceedingly anxious that the jewels which came into her possession in such an extraordinary manner should be restored to their owner as speedily as possible, thought that this wondrous René Cardillac should be informed at once that no work was required of him, but simply his opinion as to certain stones.