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Draw three circles of different sizes on a large sheet of heavy cardboard. Carefully cut out the circles with a sharp-pointed knife. Mount a picture of some animal on each piece cut out. Fasten the pieces back in place by a single cloth hinge pasted on the back, and at the lowest part of the circle. Tack the sheet of cardboard to a light wooden frame to keep it from bending.

Andrews used to insist that some of the hogs which we saw were so thin that the connection between their fore and hindquarters was only a single thickness of skin, with hair on both sides but then Andrews sometimes seemed to me to have a tendency to exaggerate. The swine certainly did have proportions that strongly resembled those of the animals which children cut out of cardboard.

Let a glass thread, no larger than a coarse hair, be affixed by means of some quickly drying varnish to the tip of the laterally inclined stem of one of the young Morning-Glory plants in the schoolroom. Stand a piece of cardboard beside the pot, at right angles to the stem, so that the end of the glass will be near the surface of the card.

Both Sebastiano del Piombo and Giorgio Vasari were appreciated by Michelangelo for their lively parts and genial humour. The latter has told an anecdote which illustrates the old man's eccentricity. He was wont to wear a cardboard hat at night, into which he stuck a candle, and then worked by its light upon his statue of the Piet

I do not remember that I was much troubled with the sight of books; but she drew a number of pictures of various objects, and made me repeat their names, and then she cut out the alphabet in cardboard, by which means I very soon knew my letters.

Here we are: 'Rec'd July 14. Card from Goshorn & Co., Oriental Goods. Message pricked in through the cardboard: 'You are suspected by your neighbors. Watch them. Not bad for a follow-up, is it?" "It would look like insanity, if it weren't that that through the letters 'one increasing purpose runs," parodied Bertram.

This was one of the first streets to be built after Cavendish Square; it was burned in 1729, but rebuilt. Wimpole and Harley Streets are long, dreary arteries which give the impression of having been cut out of cardboard. At Nos. 43 to 45 is now Queen's College, and next door is the Governesses' Home and Registration Office. The College was first established in 1848.

You might get them ready while I go see Gail. I'll be right back." She and Allee disappeared up the road in a cloud of dust and Hector repaired to his home to manufacture the bits of cardboard necessary for admission to the wonderful entertainment.

When Jenny went out to the scullery carrying her hat, after sweeping the scraps she had declined back into the old draper's cardboard box which amply contained such treasures and preserved them from dust, Emmy, now quite quiet again, continued to sit by the fire, staring at the small glowing strip that showed under the door of the kitchen grate.

Then a steel plate, k, 1.3 inches wide by 0.2 inch thick, is placed against the cylinder, and against this plate again is placed a cardboard disk, 1.34 inches wide by 0.4 inch thick. This completely closes the hollow space. The steel plates and heads are marked with the figures 1 and 2, which, through the pressure, are impressed upon the leaden cylinders.