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I looked at his card, whereon was the inscription, "Detective-Inspector King, Scotland Yard"; and I said at once "I shall not only go to the coast, but to his tender, for I've given my word. What you may do in the meantime is not my affair; but " "Yes," he said eagerly, craning his neck again, "'for God's sake keep your eye on me, that's what you were going to say. Well, we shall do it.

"But she had your permit, sir, and it WAS written on your card," stammered one of the detectives. "It was? ... it was?" said Guerchard. "Then, by Jove, it was a forgery!" He stood thoughtful for a moment. Then quietly he told his two men to go back to their post. He did not stir for a minute or two, puzzling it out, seeking light.

Steinberg, seated in a small inner chamber in Hatton Garden, leisurely answering his sole business correspondent of that morning, was in no way surprised when the boy he employed to open the door and receive visitors brought in a card bearing the name of 'Mr. John Barter, jun. 'Show him in, said Mr. Steinberg; and young Mr.

The locket had a gold chain with a clasp, and Cynthia wore it hidden beneath her gown-too intimate a possession to be shown. There was still another and very mysterious present, this being a huge box of roses, addressed to Miss Cynthia Wetherell, which was delivered on Christmas morning. If there had been a card, Susan Merrill would certainly have found it. There was no card.

It is true that my partner and I felt it to be beneath our dignity to advertise in the newspapers and, indeed, advertising in New York City was for us entirely unnecessary but we carried a card regularly in the English journals and received many retainers from across the water; in fact, we controlled practically all the theatrical business in the city, drawing the contracts for the managers and being constantly engaged in litigations on their behalf.

In calling on the sons or the daughters of the house, every visitor should leave a card for the father and mother. If ladies are at home, cards should be left for the gentlemen of the family. In Europe a young man is not allowed to ask for the young ladies of the house in formal parlance, nor is he allowed to leave a card on them socially in Europe the "jeune fille" has no existence.

Archie marveled; a man of the Governor's intelligence and address could hardly have failed to gain a high place in the world, yet his performance on the fire escape proved all the man had said of himself as an outlaw. The Governor was not one man but a dozen different men and in despair Archie gave up trying to account for him. At midnight Seebrook and Walters came in from their card game.

I sent in my card requesting the honour of speaking to Mr De Benyon, stating that I had come over to Ireland on business of importance, but that, as I must be back if possible by term time, it would perhaps save much expense and trouble. The waiter took in the message. "Back by term time it must be some legal gentleman. Show him up," said Mr De Benyon. I walked in with a business-like air.

Jupe for her own address, and the woman gave her a card, saying if she ever wanted to leave the hospital it would be easy to help such a fine-looking young woman as she was to make a bit of living for herself.

Every five minutes some one would come knocking at the door; the name of some aspirant to the Civil Service would be brought to him, or the card of some influential gentleman desirous of having a little job perpetrated in favour of his own peculiarly interesting, but perhaps not very highly-educated, young candidate.