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You are as fair as Goya's little Maja. You are the Maja Desnuda." Holding his breath like a swimmer, he delved into the depths of the closets, reaching out his hands greedily, yet eager to get out of there, to return, as soon as he could, to the surface, to the pure air. He came upon card-board boxes, bundles of belts and old lace, without finding what he was seeking.

I take a piece of card-board and gum it on to the glass side of the negative, and this addition gives me a size that lends itself easily to reduction to the lantern disk, and in no way detracts from the picture. Having said so much about making up the size, let me add a few words as to other preparations that are sometimes necessary.

I'm used to the gumbo regular mud-hen. Just add my power to yours. Have you a tow-rope?" "No. I never thought of bringing one." "I'll get mine." She walked with him back toward his bug. It lacked not only top and side-curtains, but even windshield and running-board. It was a toy a card-board box on toothpick axles. Strapped to the bulging back was a wicker suitcase partly covered by tarpaulin.

After we had talked for some time he said, "Life goes wonderfully fast, Regie, though you may not think so just now. I do so well remember being a child myself. My brother gave me half-a-crown, and I got one. It seems as if that one yonder must be it. I began a model of my father's house in card-board one winter, too. Then I got bronchitis, and did not finish it.

Finally the dress had been delivered, only two days ago, in a long card-board box; it waited now for the great occasion. The great occasion had, in the guise of the Warlock family, surely arrived. Maggie's heart beat as she went up to her room. When at last she was wearing the dress, standing before her mirror, her cheeks were red and her hands shook a little.

Girls too often do things just because other girls are doing them, never for a moment considering fitness or ability; consequently they look back upon half- accomplished bits of work this or that insanity in worsted, card-board, wood-carving, modelling, or darning very much as they would upon the broken fragments of an upset dinner-table.

I had not long to wait for an opportunity of testing this property also of the Magic Watch, for, even as the thought passed through my mind, the accident I was imagining occurred. A light cart was standing at the door of the 'Great Millinery Depot' of Elveston, laden with card-board packing-cases, which the driver was carrying into the shop, one by one.

"As much as a dollar?" "Yes." "More?" "Yes." "How much more?" "As much as you want. Suppose you pick out the things you like and then we can see about the price," he suggested. "Some things cost a heap." She was looking at a doll on whose skirt was pinned a little scrap of card-board marked, "25c." "Yes, they do," assented Livingstone. "But they are worth it," he thought. "I tell you what!

Lenore is teaching him; and if his talent prove worth it we may do something with him. Any way, the produce of native genius will be grand material for the bazaar." "Card-board prettinesses!" said Mrs. Duncombe; "you spoil him with them; but that you'll do any way make him fit for nothing but a flunkey."

"Time" was the basic principle on which the value of the script was to be determined, and as "time," in this instance, meant hours and nothing else, a citizen's income depended entirely on his readiness to work. Ten hours represented a full day's work. The hand-press on board the Doraine was used to print the "hours," as the little slips made from the stock of menu card-board were called.