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Jean d'Auton in his Chronicles of Louis XII speaks in warm terms of the duke's valour and of the manner in which, by words and by example, he encouraged his followers to charge the Colonna forces, with such good effect that they utterly routed the Neapolitans, and drove them headlong back to the shelter of Capua's walls. The allies brought up their cannon, and opened the bombardment.

'Ta'n't dat house; 'ta'n't dis yer house Massa lib in; Massa's sparrer-house. Reckoned I'd better come and 'form him." "Is that all?" asked his master, who was accustomed to Capua's method of breaking ill news. "Now, Mass' Roger, don't you go to being pervoked an' flyin' into one ob dese yer tempers! It's all distinguished now.

Raleigh did not sleep at all, but absorbed himself, to the entire disturbance of Capua's slumbers, in the rapture of reproducing as he could the turbulent passion and joy of souls larger than his own. And, lastly, that Mrs. McLean woke with visions of burglars before her eyes, to find her pillow deserted and her husband sitting at a writing-table. "How startled I was!" she exclaimed.

Capua's hat was in his hand at once, and bows and curtsies and articulations and gesticulations followed with such confusing rapidity, that, when the mutually pleased pair turned in company toward the kitchens, a scrap of white paper, that had fluttered down in the disorder, was suffered to remain unnoticed on the floor. The courier had lost his despatch.

I's done beat wid dis yer pony, anyhow, Mass'r Raleigh. Seems, ef he was a 'sect to fly in de face of all creation an' pay no 'tention to his centre o' gravity, he might walk up dis yer hill!" Mr. Raleigh left Marguerite a moment, to relieve Capua's perplexity.

Indeed? I should say, pardon me, Mr. Raleigh, that your portion of the next mail met with some accident. Your servants could not explain it?" "There is Capua, who was major-domo. We can inquire," said Mr. Raleigh, with a smile, rising and ringing for that functionary. On Capua's appearance, the question was asked, if he had ever secretly detained letter or paper of any kind. "Lors, massa!