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The house was still standing; so we had heard. It had not been plundered. The savages, on taking possession of it, had been closely pressed by a body of Pasenos, and had hurried off with their captives, leaving everything else as they had found it. Saint Vrain and I were to accompany the party to their home. The chief had plans for the future, in which both I and my friend were interested.

It is estimated that a million Jews fell victims to the slaughter and outrage of the soldiers under Titus, and that unnumbered thousands were led as captives to Egypt and other lands.

Twenty-four Christian captives, who had been taken in the defeat of the mountains of Malaga, were rescued from the dungeons of this fortress, and hailed the marques as their deliverer. Needless is it to mention the capture of various other places which surrendered without waiting to be attacked.

When she saw the poor boy fastened to the swan she felt so sorry for him that she stretched out her hand to free him. The bird screamed. 'Swan, hold fast, called out Peter, and the girl was caught also. When Peter had gone on for a bit with his captives, they met a chimney sweep, who laughed loudly over the extraordinary troop, and asked the girl what she was doing.

At night, the utmost care had been taken of the captives, both to prevent injury from the damps of the woods and to guard against an escape. At the spring, the horses were turned loose, as has been seen; and, notwithstanding the remoteness and length of their trail, the artifices already named were resorted to, in order to cut off every clue to their place of retreat.

Had Jack shown himself a coward, they might have treated him as they often did such captives; but the brave young fellow was in no danger, at least for the present.

The next day, they were taken out and ordered to work; and, for weeks, they laboured at the fortifications, with which the pirates were strengthening their already naturally strong position. The labour was very severe, but it was a consolation to the captives that they were kept together.

The blazing background, the sense of a densely crowded host beyond what the eye can grasp, of captives and captors all the stupendous crackle and roar and shout and sudden strained silence of Saul's immediate followers is amply matched by those two typical protagonists, just then repeating the old drama with varying fortunes on the world's new stage.

But in carrying out this purpose he still endeavoured to avoid any declaration of war. De Ruyter and the English Admiral Lawson were now cruising in the Mediterranean, on a joint expedition, for suppression of piracy, and for releasing the captives of Tunis and Algiers.

"And werry painful this is to our feelings, sir, you may believe," said another of the mutineers, mockingly. "I'm quite moloncholy as I thinks on it." The men again laughed; but the person so addressed walked to the side of the Captain without making any observation. The other captives also left the boat in silence.