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Peculiar lines about his mouth were shaped into an eternal smile of derision. His feet were bare, and clung handily to crevices. Fearful trousers were supported by a piece of suspender that went up the wrong side of his chest and came down the right side of his back, dividing him into triangles. "Ezekiel P. Sanford, capt'in, schooner 'Mary Jones, of N'yack, N. Y., genelmen," he said.

"She ware a tough-lookin' old gal, an' her hat brim flopped over her face. O'Toole met her an' pointed to Garnett. "'If it's th' leddy-killer av th' fleet ye're afther, there he Stan's. "Th' old woman looked an' stopped. "'No, says she, in a sort o' jangled tone, 'eets my little gal I looks fer she's aboard here wid th' capt'in,

Jimmy and the girl looked up to see a large man in a dark suit looking down at Eva. Jimmy did not recognize the man, but he knew at once what he was. "Well, O'Donnell, what's doing?" asked the girl. "You know what's doing," said the officer. "How miny toimes do the capt'in have to be afther isshuin' orrders tellin' you janes to kape out uv dacent places?" The girl flushed.

She was a free-spoken woman as a rule, and it was terrible to have to sit still and waste all the good things she could have said to her in favour of unsatisfying pin-pricks. She sat smouldering. "I s'pose you miss the capt'in very much?" she said, at last. "Very much," was the reply. "And I should think 'e misses you," retorted Mrs.

The coat flapped open in front and the rest of his apparel consisted of one brace which crossed his naked, bony chest, and a pair of trousers. He blinked rapidly as if dazed by the faint light, while his patron, the old bandit, glowered at young Powell from under his beetling brow. "Say the word, Capt'in. The bobby'll let us in all right. 'E knows both of us."

Powell gathered up his belongings and hovered over them like a hen over her brood. A gruffly, insinuating voice said: "Let's carry your things in, Capt'in! I've got my pal 'ere." He was a tall, bony, grey-haired ruffian with a bulldog jaw, in a torn cotton shirt and moleskin trousers. The shadow of his hobnailed boots was enormous and coffin-like.

"Why, if it is a good pleasant day tomorrow, I'll get William to call an' invite the capt'in to dinner. William'll be in early so's to pass up the street without meetin' anybody." "There, they're callin' out it's time to set the tables," said Mrs. Caplin, with great excitement. "Here's Cousin Sarah Jane Blackett! Well, I am pleased, certain!" exclaimed Mrs.

"Hey!" cried a third, rising from the side of the prostrate load-agent, "don' ye be so fast, boys. The capt'in still lives. He is not seriously wounded even!" A loud huzza went up from the score of throats, that caused a thousand echoing reverberations along the mountain side.

The swivel seats, though all aslant, were practicable, and Harman was in the act of taking his place in the seat he had chosen when Ginnell interposed. "One moment, Mr. Harman," said the owner of the Heart of Ireland. "I've a word to say to you and Mr. Blood sure, I beg your pardon I mane Capt'in Blood." "Well," said Blood, grasping a chair-back. "What have you to say?"

"'Sartinly not, ma'am, says I; an' I was reckonin' she was wantin' to borrer money. But what do ye s'pose it was, Norman? She goes and she says, says she, kinder hesitatin' like yet, 'Would ye mind, capt'in, a-eatin' with yer fork, 'stead of yer knife?