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They borrowed many fine details, such as capitals and cornices, from the antique, and also what was far more important the simplicity and beauty of proportion which characterized classical architecture.

The capitals of the pillars in the church, the vaulting of the roof and the shafts of the arches which supported the tower are full of singular grace and beauty, even now when the abbey is roofless and in part destroyed, while the corbels and mouldings round the lancet-shaped windows are full of luxuriant fancy and charm.

The Romanesque of the architectural is said to be of particular interest to connoisseurs, and the queer archaic capitals must certainly attract the notice even of ordinary tourists.... It is also worth while to go to the Helmhaus, and examine the collection of lake-dwelling remains.

"Get rid of Thomas?" he repeated. "Easy enough. Look on the ground." She looked. "See the h's?" Sure enough, the road was fairly strewn with the sixth consonant! both in small letters and capitals. "Been dropped," went on the Officer. She had heard the expression "dropping his h's." Now she understood it. "Oh, but how'll these help?" "Show 'em to Thomas!"

And there are a multitude of other evidences in the statues of the angels, with which I shall not at present trouble the reader. But he had not the wit to invent new capitals in the same style; he therefore clumsily copied the old ones.

The zone outside this, in which are distributed the personages represented, is divided into four compartments by four figures, which correspond to each other in pairs. They lift themselves out of a trellis-work, bounded on either side by a light pillar without a base. The capitals which crown the pillars recall those of the Ionic order, but the abacus is much more developed.

To this belief they act up in the most devout manner, spreading terror and desolation over all the shores of this inland sea, no part of which, even in the immediate vicinity of the great capitals, is for a moment secure from their ravages.

The garden in the midst of the cloister showed even in midwinter its southern vegetation of tall laurels and cypresses, stretching their branches through the grating of the arches that, five on each side, surrounded the square, and rising to the capitals of the pillars.

There is the huge monastery of which so much still remains, not a beautiful erection, scarcely even interesting for the most part, massive, orderly, excessively bare, but with two features which will ever make it notable; its Romanesque cloisters with the highly variegated capitals, and the sculptured western portal.

X then proceeds to frighten S with the old bugbears; the impossibility of real union between the Italian races; the absorption of the local small capitals in the event of a great kingdom, and the certainty that the European powers will never consent to an Italian monarchy. This conclusion is a short resume of Papal history, which will somewhat surprise the readers of Ranke and Gibbon.