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"Captain," began Ellery. Hammond interrupted him. "Hold on!" he said. "Belay right there. If you and I are to cruise in the same family and that's what I hear is likely to happen I cal'late we'll heave overboard the cap'ns and Misters. My name's 'Nathaniel' 'Nat' for short." "All right. And mine is 'John. Captain Nat, I mean how can I ever thank you?" "Thank me? What do you want to thank me for?

"We didn't rightly know what all the furse was about, and there wasn't nobody who could tell us, because the steamboat cap'ns who come here for wood couldn't wait to talk about it. But we know now, and I do think that some on us had oughter have a hand in making them Yankees stay where they b'long. I'd go in a minute if it wasn't fur the ole woman and the young ones."

Then he said, "Wall, there's lots o' things you got to learn, youngster. And there's one thing about tug cap'ns that you got to learn, see?" I told him that was what I wanted to do learn "Wall, then, I'll tell you," he said-this is just what he said "I'll tell you, you are in a mighty ticklish place 'n I don't just see how you're going to get out of it." For a minute I was kind of scared.

Some o' the cap'ns Mr Saint Leger and Cap'n Drake among 'em, I believe was for attackin' the convoy and takin' the whole o' the Plate fleet; and, as things turned out, 'twould ha' been better if we'd done it, for, disabled though our ships were, we could ha' fought at our anchors and kept the convoy from enterin' the port.

Yet he should miss the good creature, and for the life of him he could not think lightly of her. "She well knows how able she is to do for me. Women-folks is cap'ns ashore," sighed the captain as he went upstairs to bed.

Seems as if I was hearin' my father and Uncle Abner yes, and Eben, too speakin'. And it is so sort of good and natural to be callin' somebody 'Cap'n. I was brought up amongst cap'ns and I guess I've missed 'em more'n I realized. Now you must go to sleep; you'll need all the sleep you can get, and that won't be much. Good night." "Good night," said Emily, sleepily.

There's Warrens a-plenty all through this section of the Cape. Our family blew ashore here a hundred and fifty years ago, or such matter. My dad's name was Elisha; so was my grandfather's. Both sea cap'ns, and both dead. There's another Elisha livin' over on the shore lane." "Indeed. Then perhaps it is he I want." "P'raps. He's keeper of the town poorhouse.

They accordingly resumed the discussion upon which they had been engaged, but were shortly afterwards interrupted by the appearance of Johnson's steward, who descended the hatchway-ladder bearing a couple of boxes of cigars and a dozen sticks of excellent tobacco "with the cap'ns compliments."

Ye see, cap'ns, they don't see women as men do ashore. They don't have enough of 'em to get tired on 'em; and every woman's an angel to a sea-cap'n. Anyway, the cap'n he took her into his cabin, and he sot her a chair, and was her humble servant to command, and what would she have of him? And we was all a winkin', and a nudgin' each other, and a peekin' to see what was to come o' it.

If Cap'n Beck is in any one, I'll fetch him out, judge, an' don't you forget it." This division of the search pleased Glory and, springing up, the trio separated at once, nor did they meet again till nightfall. Alas! when reassembled then in the littlest house none had good news to tell. "They ain't been no new old cap'ns tooken in to that 'Harbor' this hull week.