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All hands were beginning to feel a certain sense of relief, when the shrill blasts of the boss canvasman's emergency whistle were heard outside the big top. Phil had just completed his trapeze act and was dropping into the net when the whistle sounded. He glanced up and made a signal to the others in the air.

Take hold here, and help us get this canvas out if you want any breakfast." "Take it out yourself," growled Teddy, dodging the flat of the canvasman's hand. The lads had been hurled from their sleeping place by a rough tentman in a hurry to get at his work. The chill of the early dawn was in the air.

But instead of backing away as the canvasman's fist barely grazed his cheek, Phil, with a short arm jolt, caught his adversary on the point of his chin. Larry instantly lost all desire for fight. He sat down on the hard ground with a bump. Now Bad Eye rushed in. Again Phil sidestepped, and, thrusting a foot between the fellow's legs, tripped him neatly.

"It has been in the air all the evening," was the low answer. "Wonder if they have the menagerie tent out of the way?" It was being taken down at that moment, the elephants having been removed to the train, as had part of the cages. All at once there was a roar that sent the blood from the faces of the spectators. The boss canvasman's whistle trilled excitedly.