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They are impelled by fear to visit the quack's den, where they are "played" as long as practicable. Sometimes exciting drugs, like cantharides, are given in the medicine, and thus intensify the evil. The quack, of course, ascribes the result to the patient's alarming condition, who is growing worse, in spite of his medicines, and who can only be cured by more powerful and costly drugs.

The sickness has returned, and the cough is decidedly worse. '16th'. Rub a small quantity of rheumatic embrocation, and tincture of cantharides. '17th. The first application of the blister had not much effect; but this morning it began to act. The dog ran about the house as cross as he could be for more than an hour; there was considerable redness on the throat and chest.

It is not a dermatitis, as a dermatitis usually causes deposition of pigment. The rays of the sun bronze the skin; mustard, cantharides, and many like irritants cause a dermatitis, which is accompanied by a deposition of pigment. Leukoderma is as common in housemaids as in field-laborers, and is in no way attributable to exposure of sun or wind.

AFTER PAINS: Salophen in fifteen grain doses. If necessary take another dose in two hours. Should the pains reappear the next day, repeat the dosage. AMENORRHEA: Tincture chloride of iron, three drams; tincture cantharides, one dram; tincture guaiac ammon., one-half dram; tincture aloe, one-half ounce; syrup enough to make six ounces.

This test is so delicate as to show the 1/25000 of a grain of the alkaloid. =Brucine.= This alkaloid, found associated with strychnine, possesses the same properties, though in a less powerful degree. Nitric acid gives a blood-red colour, changed to purple with protochloride of tin. =Cantharides.= Spanish fly, or blistering beetle, is the basis of most of the blistering preparations.

Arsenic was mixed with the salt he ate, and cantharides with the pepper. All this time, his health declined sensibly. Every day he grew weaker and weaker; and with a sickly appetite, craved for sweets and jellies. Rochester continued to condole with him, and anticipated all his wants in this respect, sending him abundance of pastry, and occasionally partridges and other game, and young pigs.

The still foliage lay sharply defined on the blue of the sky; the insects that live by light, the dragon-flies, the cantharides, were flying among the reeds and the ash-trees; cattle chewed the cud in the shade, the ruddy earth of the vineyards glowed, the adders glided up and down the banks. What a change in the sparkling and coquettish landscape while I slept!

Indeed, the causes of all common facts are, we think, perfectly well known to us; and it is very probable, fifty or a hundred years hence, we shall as well know why the Metallic Tractors should in a few minutes remove violent pains, as we now know why cantharides and opium will produce opposite effects, namely, we shall know very little about either excepting facts."

It was not the first of the Irishman's clients whom he had seen thus suddenly collapse; but he fervently hoped that the death of Mora would act as a salutary warning to the world of fashion, and that the prefect of police, after this great calamity, would send the "dealer in cantharides" to retail his drugs on the other side of the Channel.

Soap? and horrid pudding basins of steaming water. Miriam's hair had never been washed with anything but cantharides and rose-water on a tiny special sponge. In full horror, "Oh," she said, in a low vague voice, "It doesn't matter about me." "Gun' Tak' Fr'n," snapped the woman briskly. Miriam gave herself up. "Gooten Mawgen, Frau Krause," said Millie's polite departing voice.