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He turned first to the kitchen door, drawn thither by the smell that greeted his nostrils. "Canst give a bestarved man a big breakfast and quickly?" he asked the woman. "Shure, Oi've all Oi can do now," was the surly response, "wid the general an' his staff; an' his escort, an' thim as is comin' an' goin', an' " Brereton came forward.

"Canst thou not let that alone?" said Jeanne, angrily. "Surely it is long enough gone by, and small profit came of it." "Not so, not so, daughter," replied Victor, soothingly; "if we can but set the girl in thy shoes, thou didst not wear thine for nought, even though they pinched thee for a time." "That they did," retorted Jeanne; "it gives me a cramp now but to remember them."

Canst thou not perceive, Master Morgan, that the struggle is bitter at times? Yet the woman in me must succumb; for, did she have her way, England, my England, would suffer." "Therefore did God give the Queen strength," murmured Johnnie. Elizabeth arose. "I will see thee again," she said. "Thou hast some homely mother wisdom, and a truthful tongue.

"It is true," answered Ben-Abid. "Thou art a liar!" cried Halima. "And so art thou!" said Ben-Abid slowly. A deep murmur rose from the crowd, which pressed more closely beneath the terrace, staring up at the scarlet figure upon it. "If I am a liar thou canst not prove it!" cried Halima furiously. "I spit upon thee! I spit upon thee!"

"Not much to signify," says Thormod. Kimbe sees the gold ring, and says, "Thou art a King's man: give me thy gold ring, and I will hide thee." Thormod replies, "Take the ring if thou canst get it; I HAVE LOST THAT WHICH IS MORE WORTH."

The capitalist does not think so much of the year's gains as does the needy adventurer, to whom they make the difference between bankruptcy and competence. If you have God for your 'enduring substance, you can face all varieties of condition, and be calm, saying 'Give what Thou canst, without Thee I am poor, And with Thee rich, take what Thou wilt away.

"Thou deceivest thyself in the divine passion of the hour: thou canst not foresee the utterness of the desolation to which thou wouldst doom thy life. We were betrothed to each other by ties strong as those of the Church, over the grave of the dead, under the vault of heaven, in the form of ancestral faith! The bond cannot be broken.

"Damme, I'll have no pranks and ceremonies and entertainments; I have not time. I must wed her at once. Canst thou not see, under the circumstances, scandal-mongers will make eyes and prate of wrong for me thus to have a young maid here alone?"

"Be silent!" cried Cambyses in an overbearing tone, "or I shall have to teach you what is becoming in women and children. Bartja is on far too good terms with fortune to fall in the war. He will live, I hope, to deserve the love which is now so freely flung into his lap like an alms." "How canst thou speak thus?" cried Kassandane. "In what manly virtue is Bartja wanting?

Reader, canst thou not be induced to dedicate a few months to the good of the public, and examine with thy scientific eye the productions which the vast and well-stored colony of Demerara presents to thee? What an immense range of forest is there from the rock Saba to the great fall! and what an uninterrupted extent before thee from it to the banks of the Essequibo!