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And that bear was so stuck up with the soft marshmallow candies in his eyes and nose and mouth and ears and paws and tail and fur that he had to go to sleep in the lake for a week and a day to get them washed off. So he didn't bother Cora Janet nor Flop any more, and pretty soon Curly awakened and came back to the bungalow to hear about his brother's adventure.

Bumper was sure she was wrong, for the red-haired girl didn't look starved; but she didn't have any of her birthday money left, and she confessed she'd spent it all for cakes and candies. Bumper wondered if she'd had anything to eat since, or if she was saving up her money to buy him.

Bad as my relations were with my brother, still I did not feel justified in accepting candies or color-pencils from Kiyo without my brother's knowledge. "Why do you give those things only to me and not to my brother also?" I asked her once, and she answered quite unconcernedly that my brother may be left to himself as his father bought him everything.

Safie was not idle, but swept the room, put every thing again in its place, snuffed the candies, and put fresh aloes and ambergris to them, and then prayed the three calenders to sit down upon the sofa on one side, and the caliph, with his companions, on the other.

He got all dressed up and went to call on her, and, on the way, whenever he looked into a shop window, he didn't see the buns and the candies and the dolls inside; all he saw was his own reflection. It looked so magnificent that he strutted higher and thought how proud he was going to make her.

Na faags, it was ower ill to come by. The scartit one? No, no, it was a lucky. Well, then, the one found in the rat's hole? It was Tommy's first Muckley, and the report that he had thirteen pence brought him many advisers about its best investment. "Mind this," he said solemnly, "there's none o' the candies as sucks so long as Californy's Teuch and Tasty.

Besides, the young man has some sort of interest in the manufacturing of candies." Trust the Lady from Poughkeepsie to put the best foot forward when it became necessary to do so. The professor was gazing quizzically at the flushed face of his daughter. "So that is what you have been doing this summer, is it?" he said. "That and looking after Cap'n Abe," confessed Louise.

The people have been served with too many custards and candies of entertainment, while hungering hotly for the bread of life." "Very true," said Fabens. "I have felt this hunger myself, though our preacher here has given us very good fare."

The sand that forms the river bank is pure white sugar, and all kinds of candies and bonbons grow thick on the low bushes, so that any one may pluck them easily. These are only a few of the remarkable things that exist in the Beautiful Valley.

"My mother was much like my father. She and her women were always making jams, jellies, candies, cakes and the like for me to eat; so I never knew the pleasure of hunger. My clothes were the gayest satins and velvets, richly made and sewn with gold and silver braid; so it was impossible to wish for more in the way of apparel.