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The children lament over the destruction and go round propping up plants of their own accord. Sunday, January 19. We have lost our last Cape canary through moulting; he was a beautiful singer. Yesterday afternoon we went some way up the mountain just above the settlement.

"What have you done, Cornelli?" he cried out in sudden surprise. "Your forehead looks quite clean and neat, and you have shiny eyes like a canary bird, and you don't look like an owl any more." "Why Cornelli! You are transformed!" Agnes exclaimed. "Just let me see you. Make a little room, Mux! No, I don't know you any more. It is fortunate you did it, for it is a pleasure to look at you now."

One day, she dropped her purse without knowing it, and Jim picked it up, and brought it home in his mouth. She did not notice him, for he always walked behind her. When she got to her own door, she missed the purse, and turning around saw it in Jim's mouth. Another day, a lady gave Jack Morris a canary cage as a present for Carl. He was bringing it home, when one of the little seed boxes fell out.

Why, barring the canary, there was not one of all his belongings that McTeague had cherished more dearly. His steel engraving of "Lorenzo de' Medici and his Court" might be lost, his stone pug dog might go, but his concertina! "And she sold it stole it from me and sold it. Just because I happened to forget to take it along with me. Well, we'll just see about that.

Gwendolyn cocked her yellow head to one side after the manner of her canary. "Bad taste." Louise joined her companion. "Crystal, if you please! Must've cost a fabulous sum." One or two articles were moved on the dresser. Then, "Poor little girl!" observed the other woman. "Rich, but " Gwendolyn puckered her brows gravely. Was the speaker referring to her?

But in the case of the many cliff-bounded islands, for instance in some of the Canary Islands and of Madeira, round which the inclination of the strata shows that the land once extended far into the depths of the sea, where there is no apparent means of hard rock being worn away are we to suppose that all these islands have slowly subsided? Madeira, I may remark, has, according to Mr.

He did his best, but the result was very little, and perhaps the most useful lesson Joe ever had was that which Fred gave him about the Dahlias. Fred and Edith were sitting in the Canary room one Saturday afternoon, shortly after the event recorded in the last chapter; Edith listening with an earnest interest to the oft-repeated tale of the fall in the wood.

Mary exclaimed. "You do read badly," he agreed frankly. "I never can understand nothing." And it was at that very moment that he saw the Dog. He had been staring down into the garden with a gaze half abstracted, half speculative, listening with one ear to Mary, with the other to the stir of the fire, the heavy beat of the clock and the rustlings of Martha the canary.

One day a feller a stranger in the camp, he was come acrost him with his box, and says: "'What might it be that you've got in the box? "And Smiley says, sorter indifferent-like, 'It might be a parrot, or it might be a canary, maybe, but it ain't it's only just a frog. "And the feller took it, and looked at it careful, and turned it round this way and that, and says, 'H'm so 'tis.

It was said afterwards by Sir Andrew and Master Baine that Master Peter appeared to have been carousing, so flushed was his face, so unnatural the brightness of his eye, so thick his speech and so extravagant and foolish what he said. There can be little doubt that it was so. He was addicted to Canary, and so indeed was Sir John Killigrew, and he had been dining with Sir John.