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For this purpose the engineer explores the whole country through which the canal is to pass, to find rivers and streams that he can turn into it, when the bed of it shall have been excavated; and sometimes he has to bring these supplies of water for a great distance in artificial channels, which often cross valleys by means of great aqueducts built up to hold them.

That is the usual avenue of escape for a hypocritical world that dares not face the truth. Not in the Canal Zone, not in the city limits, therefore prostitution does not exist. Next to Mr. Roe, there is James Bronson Reynolds, who has made a thorough study of the white slave traffic in Asia.

"And were the bargemen unreasonably hindering him?" "I can't say that. They were just going into the lock when he rowed up, and he wanted them to get out of his way and let him go into the lock first. I don't think myself that he was right." "And what happened then?" "Oh, he abused them, and they wanted to throw him into the canal; at least they threatened to do so.

He knew every spot visited by the poet in his famous voyage in the open pinnance from Bithynia "through the angry Euxine," among the Cyclades, by "purple Zante," up the Adriatic, and thence by river and canal to 'Home, sweet home. He was deep in every department of Catullian lore. He had taken enormous pains; he had given his nights and days to the work.

I don't know where Port Sed is," replied the captain, pronouncing the word as Felix did. "You don't know where the entrance to the Suez Canal is!" exclaimed the lookout. "That is what you mean, is it?" "Of course it is; and that is what I said," protested Felix. "You said Port Sed." "I know it; if S-a-i-d don't spell Sed, what does it spell?" demanded Felix.

This was the canal which long years afterward was filled in and gave its name to Canal Street. From time to time there were projects for setting out a handsome park about the shores of the Collect Pond, but the townspeople thought it was too far away from the city. One of the new undertakings was the building of a new City Hall, as the old one in Wall Street was no longer large enough.

I began to feel that the old Venice of song and story had departed forever. But I was too hasty. In a few minutes we swept gracefully out into the Grand Canal, and under the mellow moonlight the Venice of poetry and romance stood revealed.

He had recovered from the first a part of his attachment to this scene of contemplation, within sight, as it was, of the Rialto bridge, on the hither side of that arch of associations and the left going up the Canal; he had seen it in a particular light, to which, more and more, his mind and his hands adjusted it; but the interest the place now wore for him had risen at a bound, becoming a force that, on the spot, completely engaged and absorbed him, and relief from which if relief was the name he could find only by getting away and out of reach.

We had to pass through "Pavia of the Hundred Towers" after a look at the grand old Castello, and go out into Arcadian country again to reach the Certosa. Our way lay northward now instead of east, beside a canal bright as crystal, and blue as sapphire because it was a mirror for the sky.

He was going to make a road along the Apennines, and cut a canal through the Isthmus of Corinth, and construct other vast works, which were to make Rome the center of the commerce of the world. In a word, his head was filled with the grandest schemes, and he was gathering around him all the means and resources necessary for the execution of them.