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"Oh, it was because there was no priest," Carlos answered, "when those poor devils were hung. They were canaille. Yes; but one gives that much even to such. And my uncle was there in his official capacity as a a plenipotentiary. He was very much distressed: we were all. You heard, my uncle himself had advised their being surrendered to your English.

He winced backward as though she had struck him, and his face contorted with sudden panic. He cowered away from her and covered his own eyes. "Don't you look at me like that! I never done nothing!" he whined. "Canaille!" said Solange. Her voice was a mere whisper but it fairly singed with scorn. Fearless, she stared at him and he could not meet her gaze.

The assailants, some of the boldest of whom had suffered from de Varicourt's sword, were astonished and daunted by the sight of another Bodyguard in the same place. "Canaille! we know how to die!" he cried, and stood ready to strike the first on-comer. "So do we!" cried the Admiral, and struck at him, but tripped and was pulled back.

But I would like a little cottage for myself, and Miss Penny, and Lena. We could make three rooms do. Can we have three rooms?" Lapierre bowed low. "It shall be as you say," he replied. "And now, if you will excuse me, I shall see to it that these canaille work. LeFroy they do not fear." He turned to go, and at that moment Chloe Elliston saw a look of terror flash into his eyes.

"You're a promising lad," he said so often that Lanyard would almost wince from that formula of introduction "a promising lad, though it's sad I should be to say it, instead of proud as I am. For I've made you: but for me you'd long since have matriculated at La Tour Pointue and graduated with the canaille of the Sante.

As the eyes of the young noble wandered over the fierce faces of that horrible assembly, while a roar of hideous triumph answered the look, in which for the last time the gentilhomme spoke his scorn of the canaille, the child's father lowered the collar of his cloak, and slowly raised his hat from his brow.

That fellow was a canaille, but he won fifteen thousand pounds from me: he was my superior. But let us try a game of cards, my dear boy. How are your pockets?" "Low," said Sir Asinus, ruefully. "Never mind," said his Excellency, whose whole countenance had lighted up at the thought of play; "I admire your garters a pistole against them."

Should he commit himself into the power of an inferior control? Should he? Should he betray himself? He was going to put himself into the power of his inferiors, and he knew it. He was going to subjugate himself. He was going to be ordered about by petty canaille of non-commissioned officers and even commissioned officers. He who was born and bred free. Should he do it?

The farce is fit to make a devil in torment laugh." Once more, Florimel laughed aloud. "Another revolution, Clementina, and we shall have you heading the canaille to destroy Westminster Abbey." "I would follow any leader to destroy falsehood," said Clementina. "No canaille will take that up until it meddles with their stomachs or their pew rents."

The morning after the prince had been ordered to leave the palace, "the queen, at breakfast, every now and then repeated, 'I hope, in God, I shall never see him again'; and the king, among many other paternal douceurs in his valediction to his son, said,'Thank-God, to-morrow night the puppy will be out of my house." "My dear Lord" said the queen to Hervey, "I will give it to you under my own hand, if you are in any fear of my relapsing, that my dear first-born is the greatest ass and the greatest liar and the greatest canaille, and the greatest beast in the whole world, and that I most heartily wish he was out of it."