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The Irish continued to furnish great representative men to Canada. The first governor, Guy Carleton, was Irish, and his subsequent governor-generalship as Lord Dorchester did much to make Canada loyal to Great Britain. Probably the most popular and influential of Canada's governors-general was Lord Dufferin, another Irishman.

Time tones these things down; but she is not tired before she has begun the race. She is not nerve-collapsed and peeved and insincere. As to why Canada has no distinctive and great literature I confess frankly I do not know. England had only Canada's population when a Shakespeare and a Milton rose like stars above the world.

Maurice, and the Saguenay, to be gathered into one vast channel, extending throughout Canada's whole extent. And, clear the forest as we may, Canada will always be the same cold, healthy country that it now is. Lower or rather Highland Canada, will be especially so, without, however, the general commercial prosperity of the country suffering much on that account.

Canada's domestic rate of letter postage from 1868 had been three cents, a rate which was extended to the United States by a postal convention, by which the domestic rate of Canada was made applicable to all letters and papers entering the United States, and that of the United States to all mail matter for Canada.

French civil law and English criminal law are established; and the Church is confirmed in its title to ecclesiastical property which was right when you consider that the foundations of the Church in Quebec are laid in the blood of martyrs. Just here intervenes the element which compelled the reshaping of Canada's destiny.

That England would be much distressed by Canada's taking sides with the Americans was plain enough to all men, for the whole continent would then be one in purpose, and the conflict more equal; but the Americans also greatly wished it because all New England and New York lay open to invasion from Canada. Nature had created a great highway, stretching southward from the St.

He was sure that he could not have achieved such results if he had had blood upon his hands. His business was "to humanize, not to harden." One of Canada's ablest men not then in politics had said to him: "Yes, I see it all now, you were right, a thousand times right, though I thought otherwise then.

Anderson was returned, and during three or four months at Ottawa, Elizabeth was introduced to Canadian politics, and to the swing and beat of those young interests and developing national hopes which, even after London, and for the Londoner, lend romance and significance to the simpler life of Canada's nascent capital.

There is first the Imperial government represented by a Governor-General. The commandant of Canada's regular militia is also an Imperial officer. There is second the federal government with executive, legislative and judicial powers; or a cabinet, a parliament, a supreme court. There are third the provincial governments with executive, legislative and judicial powers.

Report of Annual Meeting, Canadian Manufacturers' Association, in Industrial Canada, 1912, p. 334. The Dominion of Canada's first fifty years have been years of momentous change. The four provinces have grown into nine, covering the whole half-continent.