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Some camper has left his fire, and the rising wind has carried it into the dead leaves," said Frank soberly, surveying his surroundings. "Could we push forward and put it out before it does any damage?" asked Bluff. "I'm afraid it's too late for that now. See there! The smoke is getting thicker and thicker all the time. Boys, we might as well look the matter straight in the face."

Baerens, whose German-English and repeated remark, 'I am to do it wid delicassy, did not assist his comprehension; and when he might have been enlightened, he was petrified by seeing Lady Camper walk on the lawn with Elizabeth. The great lady stood a moment beside Mrs. Baerens; she came straight over to him, contemplating him in silence.

Having left the wilderness and its protecting creeks and islands, I was destined to feel all the annoyances attending a camper in a cultivated and settled region.

I'm much obliged to you fellows ah er, what're your names anyway mine's Dave Dave Connors." The two scouts introduced themselves and then because Paul Nez had started down the wood road they waved farewell to the camper with the injured foot and hustled to catch up to the timber cruiser.

But for all the whir and flash of brilliant birdlife above the placid water for all the screams of the fish hawks and the noise of crows and grackle in the cypress for all the presence of another camper among the trees to the west, the days were quiet and undisturbed.

Each camper should respect the demands of the hour for quiet and rest and not talk, but leave her companions to their own thoughts and occupations. If you should see your special friend seated off by herself, do not disturb her during the rest hour; it is each girl's right to remain unmolested at that time.

"We will see to-morrow," said the camper. "In the meantime, I see a string of trout hanging there. Are they fresh?" "I caught them early this morning," answered Wilbur, "before I began my day's work." The professor took out a roll of bills. "How much do you want for them!" he asked. "They are not for sale," the boy replied. "Oh, but I must have them," the other persisted.

For some moments Kendrick watched him as he moved cautiously from one vantage point to another, not a little surprised to discover that the intruder was spying upon the cottage. Some belated camper, probably. But there was no harm in making sure. Phil crept noiselessly off the balcony and slipped quietly downstairs and out the back way.

There is more to camping however than "roughing it" or seeing how much hardship we can bear. A good camper always makes himself just as comfortable as he can under the circumstances. The saying that "an army travels on its stomach" means that a soldier can not make long marches or fight hard unless he has good food.

A note was handed to General Ople, with the request that he would step in to speak with Lady Camper in the course of the evening, or next morning. Elizabeth waited till his hat was on, then said, 'Papa, on my ride to-day, I met Mr. Rolles. 'I am glad you had an agreeable escort, my dear. 'I could not refuse his company. 'Certainly not. And where did you ride?