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"Then go and tell America," Kagig almost snarled with blazing eyes, "to come and help us! To give us a handful of armed men to rally round! Tell them we are men and women, not calves for the shambles! Tell them to reach us out but one finger of one hand for half a dozen years, and watch us grow into a nation! Preach it from the house-tops! Teach it!

Let him also sell the old oxen, the calves, lambs, the wool, the hides, the unserviceable carts, the rusty iron, the old, infirm, and sick slaves. Let him be ever selling. The father of the family should be the seller, not the buyer. But Scipio was restless and scarcely heard him. The rustics had ceased boxing, and the youth, eager to be off, glanced far away toward the river.

A crowd of blue-clad figures with yellow faces and calves was being hustled down into the boats of the chartered steamer lying well out, like a painted ship on a painted sea; painted in crude colours, without shadows, without feeling, with brutal precision. "You had better hurry up if you don't want to be left behind." But the Chinaman did not move. "We stop," he declared.

"She banged away with the strap of the breechin' till she was winded, and then I said I hoped she'd never have to beat me again for acting the goat in other people's gardens that didn't concern me, an' she didn't beat me no more then, but I had plenty as it was," he said, rubbing his seat and the calves of his legs. "Well done, stick to that, and be thankful for such a grandma!"

Sometimes, at the end of a hall, appeared, behind a second open door, which presented itself unexpectedly, covered over with dark leather, a big wench, undressed, whose heavy thighs and fat calves abruptly outlined themselves under her coarse white cotton wrapper.

If you think you can trust me with that young man, I'd like the honor of packing him all the way in. I've toted calves for miles, so I guess I can hold onto a baby if I use both hands." "You shall have him!" replied Genevieve, smiling like a daughter as she met the look in his grave eyes. "Tom, give Thomas to Mr. Knowles when he is safe in the saddle."

Leon was now carried up to the house, and it was found that in all he had received nearly a dozen wounds! Some of them were on the calves of his legs, where the piece of flesh was actually taken out!

She strained and skimmed the milk from a dozen cows, and churned the butter; she fed the calves; cared for the hens; dug in the garden; gathered the vegetables; did the family sewing; and stole fragments of time for her flower-beds. Her hours were from five in the morning until nine at night, three hundred and sixty-five days in the year, with no half-days or Sundays off.

It is a stirring time when the wonderful horsemen are engaged for days in branding the calves that have been added to their herds during the previous months.

Numerous hairs, similar to those of its skin, are perpetually found among the contents of the stomach in new-born calves; which must therefore have licked themselves before their nativity. Blasii Anatom. See Sect. XVI. 2. on Instinct. The chick in the egg is seen gently to move in its surrounding fluid, and to open and shut its mouth alternately. The same has been observed in puppies. Haller's El.