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So many canvassers came to sell him one thing and another that Clemens promptly assumed this to be one of them. George insisted mildly, but firmly, that, though a stranger, the caller was certainly a gentleman, and Clemens grumblingly descended the stairs. As he entered the parlor the caller arose and extended his hand.

I'll call early and explain it to you." But it was explained sooner than that. During the next afternoon Montague had a caller none other than Mrs. Winnie Duval. Some one had left Mrs. Winnie some more money, it appeared; and there was a lot of red tape attached to it, which she wanted the new lawyer to attend to.

He strode off to his house. Ambrose was awakened in his mosquito-tent by an alarm from Job. The sun was just up, and it was therefore no more than three o'clock. A visitor was approaching in a canoe. In the North a caller is a caller. Ambrose crept out of his blankets and, swallowing his yawns, stuck his head in the river to clear his brain.

In a few minutes Marcus Wilkeson stood at the antique mansion, and pulled the bell. It vibrated feebly as if it shared with the house and its owner the infirmities of age. The bell was answered by an old, neatly dressed female servant. She had been told to admit the caller instantly, and said, "Mr. Van Quintem will see you, sir."

His good friend, the caller, Mr. Cuyler felt certain, would not wish to see the venerable hairs of the Guardian's local secretary trampled into the dust by the infuriate heels of the board of directors, led by the outraged President Wintermuth himself. No, he was extremely sorry, but he simply could not take the risk. And take it he would not. Such was James Cuyler.

The stranger fastened his horse at the fence, and asked undoubtingly for a cup of coffee, or a glass of milk, and Phyllis had a pleasant word and a cheerful meal for every caller; so that John rarely wanted company when he sat in the cool and silence of the evening.

At the first word from the caller she recognized him. "Why, uncle!" she said. "Whatever are you doing in town?" The voice of John Minute bellowed through the receiver: "I've an important engagement. Will you lunch with me at one-thirty at the Savoy?" He scarcely waited for her to accept the invitation before he hung up his receiver.

"But she wouldn't hold you to your bargain if she saw you could better yourself, would she?" "She would not have to," Hiram said, firmly, and he began to feel a little disappointed in his caller. "A bargain's a bargain there's no backing out of it." "But suppose I should make it worth her while to give you up?" pursued Mr. Bronson. "I'll sound her a bit, eh?

His own sympathies in the Mexican struggle were so notorious that Longorio's presence seemed to him to have but one possible significance. Why Paloma Jones was here he could not imagine. Thus far Alaire's caller had succeeded in ignoring Miss Jones, and now, with equal self-assurance, he refused to recognize Ed's hostility.

Martha came to the door and told Jimmy that he was wanted on the telephone. She also emphatically gave it as her opinion that a man who spoke as did the caller on the telephone was no gentleman. With the utterance of his "Hello," Hite's growl came over the wire. "The way you act anyone would think that you were on a vacation. Where the hell were you?