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But now that Calanthe's countenance burst upon him in all the glory of its superb Greek beauty, that resemblance struck him with all the force of a new idea; and he was about to express his astonishment that so wondrous a likeness should subsist between brother and sister, when the maiden sunk at his feet, exclaiming, "Pardon me, great vizier; but Constantine and Calanthe are one and the same thing."

The gag has slipped from Calanthe's mouth; and a long loud scream of agonizing despair sweeps over the surface of the water rending the calm and moonlit air but dying away ere it can raise an echo on either shore.

The young Greek knew not, however, the thorough selfishness of the renegade's character; and he poured forth his gratitude for the vizier's kindness and condescension with the most sincere and heart-felt fervor: while the beauteous Calanthe's large dark eyes swam in tears of hope and joy, as she surveyed with mingled wonder and admiration the countenance of that high functionary whose rapid rise to power had electrified the Ottoman capital, and whom she now saw for the first time.

"Did I not love my unknown protectress," murmured Ibrahim to himself, as he sped rapidly back to his palace, "I feel that Calanthe's eyes would make an impression upon my heart."