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Booth would receive deputations of Officers of different classes and from various countries in which The Army was at work, who came to Clacton-on-Sea, where the last fifteen months of her life were spent, to listen to her words of advice and inspiration. There were no Corps Cadets in those days; but our Army Mother left some specially beautiful words about the Juniors, to which I must refer.

He was adjutant of the Military Academy during the early part of my career there, and afterward commandant of cadets. He was a very handsome and soldierly man, of great experience, and at Donelson had acted with so much personal bravery that to him many attributed the success of the assault.

Francis in behalf of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company to the West Point cadets, 9 to 12 P. M. Music was furnished by two bands stationed in the north and south galleries of the entrance hall. Refreshments were served upon the verandas. Among the distinguished guests were General Nelson A. Miles and General H. C. Corbin. Saturday, June 11.

There was band concert in camp that night. Many cadets of the first and third classes had already gone to meet girls whom they would escort in strolling near the bandstand. Plebes are not expected to escort young ladies to these concerts. The members of the second class were away on the summer furlough, as Dick and Greg had been the summer before.

The cadets got their first taste of the annual encampment early in the morning, when, instead of hearing the familiar bell, they were awakened by the rolling of the drum. "Time to get up, everybody!" cried Sam, flinging the covers from him. "It won't do to be late this morning." "That is true, Private Rover," came solemnly from Dick. "I will fine any soldier of my command who is behind time."

If the stiff ordeal of the coming night carried any twinges for him, it wasn't noticeable in his demeanor. Yet Dick knew that the news had gotten thoroughly about among the cadets. He saw many of the new plebes gazing at him wonderingly. When they returned from supper that night and reached their room, Greg was manifestly nervous nervous enough for the pair of them, in fact.

"Suppose he knows his land is worth about ten billion credits?" "How could he know?" asked Vidac. "The only ones that know are me, you, Bush, and Sykes." Winters nodded. "Then as soon as we get Logan to sign over the land, we take care of Sykes, bring back his body as proof against the cadets, and everything's set, eh?" "Something like that," said Vidac.

Then he made out half a dozen or more cadets standing around him, each with a red mask over his face, and a red skull cap with horns. "Hullo, this must be a new secret society," he thought. "I've been initiated into the Order of Black Skulls, but never into the Order of Red Skulls. Wonder what they will want me to do?"

Seizing the huge blade, he swung it as lightly as a common sword and flashed it like lightning over the heads of the guests, recalling to their minds the tricks of the Polish school of fencing, the cross stroke, the mill, the crooked slash, the downright blow, the stolen slash, and the attitudes of counterpoint212 and tierce, which he knew likewise, for he had been trained in the School of Cadets.

The other professors had a mess in a room adjoining the mess-hall. A few more cadets joined in the course of the winter, so that we had in all, during the first term, seventy-three cadets, of whom fifty-nine passed the examination on the 30th of July, 1860.