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Knowing full well that he only makes a hundred and fifty dollars a month, you admit to an endeavor to stick him for fifty dollars' worth of cablegrams from this end, not to mention those from his end. If you had spent your time, sir, figuring out a way to cut down that cable expense, instead of discovering a rotten way to get rid of it Why, look here!

Cable him instantly, Skinner, that if he spends another cent of our money in unnecessary cablegrams I'll fire him." He snapped his fingers. "Attend to it, Skinner, attend to it." Mr. Skinner attended to it, and the following morning he found this reply on his desk when he came down to work: Cape Town, Feb. 17, 19 . Bluestar, San Francisco. Holler when you're hit. Paid for it myself.

"Now those," said Laura, when the servant had gone out, "you get those every morning. Are those part of your business? What do they say?" "I'll read them to you," he told her as he slit the first envelopes. "They are cablegrams from agents of mine in Europe. Gretry arranged to have them sent to me. Here now, this is from Odessa.

In the morning the Captain came to Ned's cabin with a number of cablegrams, all from Washington. "I have orders for you," he said. Ned yawned and shook his head. "Not for a submarine trip," he said. "I am going north," the Captain said, "north through the China Sea, into the Yellow Sea, and so on to the Gulf of Pechili. Do you know where that is?" "It is the highway to Peking," laughed Ned.

Your days of deciphering cablegrams are over, and if you don't die of fever, of boredom, or brandy, call us up in a year or two and we will see what we can do." Everett regarded the Secretary blankly. "Has the department no interest in Amapala?" he begged. "Is there nothing you want there?" "There is one thing we very much want," returned the Secretary, "but we can't get it.

Naturally, I slept little during the night, and was awake even before the early knock which sounded at my door. "Two cablegrams for you, sir," said the waiter, when I had bidden him come in. A Desperate Remedy I took the envelopes from the man and told him he might go. Now for it! I thought.

Do not they come to Paris and live in the great hotels and demand cocktails and read the stock reports and send cablegrams all the day long? and go to the Folies Bergeres, and yawn? Nom de nom, of what does his conversation consist? Of the price of railroads; is it not so? I, who speak to you, have talked to him. Does he know how to make love?"

It was characteristic of the system that two American citizens were employed to read the cablegrams arriving from the United States to French newspapers.

As soon as I step outside my door, my ghillie brings me my rod, and if there ain't a salmon at the end for me to land, another ghillie will receive his salary. Since lunch I have caught a fish, despatched fifteen cablegrams, and dictated nine letters. I am only on holiday here, and if I don't get through double that amount in the next two hours I scarcely see my way to do much more fishing to-day.

The burking of his cablegrams, made known by the Baron, was the last straw in an aggravated load. The yacht was going to Aden to enable him to lodge a complaint with the proper authorities, but she would leave almost at once for French Somaliland, where a kafila would be collected and a dash made across the Italian frontier.