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The colonel caught sight of me as I rounded the corner, Fitz and the agent joining in his outburst of hilarious welcome, intoxicated as they all were with the elixir of that most exhilarating of all hours the hour before breakfast of a summer morning in the country. "Welcome, my dear Major," called the colonel; "a hearty welcome to Caarter Hall!

"Gentlemen, you see befo' you a man on the verge of one of the great crises of his life. You heard, Fitz, of what occurred in my office this mornin'? You know how brutally I was assaulted, and how entirely without provocation on my part? I am a Caarter, suh, and a gentleman. No man can throw discredit on an enterprise bearin' my name without bein' answerable to me."

"The co'te, not being familiar with the practice of this section, can on'y decide the question in acco'dance with the practice of his own county. The language used is not objectionable, either under the law or by the code. The prisoner, Klutchem, is discharged with a reprimand, and the plaintiff, Caarter, leaves the co'te room without a stain on his cha'acter. The co'te will now take a recess."

Fitz drew nearer, and bent his ear in attention. "I, George Fairfax Caarter of Caarter Hall, Caartersville, Virginia, bein' of sound mind" The pen scratched away. "Everything down but the sound mind," said Fitz; "but go on." "Do hereby," continued the colonel. "What's all this for another challenge?" said Fitz, looking up.

Klutchem, I cannot permit you, suh, to use such language in my presence unrebuked; you" "Now, see here, old Garden Spot, you know" The familiarity angered the colonel even more than the outburst. "Caarter, suh, George Fairfax Caarter," said the colonel with dignity. "Well, Caarter, then," mimicking him, perhaps unconsciously. "You know" The intonation was the last straw.

From this point the line follows the bank of the Big Tench River marked by this caarvin'-knife to this salt-cellar, where it crosses its waters by an iron bridge of two spans, each of two hundred and fifty feet. Then, suh, it takes a sharp bend to the southard and stops at my estate, the roadbed skirtin' within a convenient distance of Caarter Hall. "Please move yo' arm, Fitz.

And she laughed softly as she gave her hand to Fitz, who touched it very much as if he quite believed the colonel's reference to the porcelain to be true. "There you go, Nancy, 'busin' me like a dog, and here I've been a-trampin' the streets for a' hour lookin' for flowers for you! You are breakin' my heart, Miss Caarter, with yo' coldness and contempt.