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"Havers!" said Jean. "Look at the hour, Jock Campbell! Get you to your bed." That night Jock dreamed of water cows, and clans dressed in kilts, and when Sandy appeared the next morning, his head was still buzzing with wild schemes of adventure. "Come awa', Sandy," he said, "let's explore. We'll go up the burn and see if we can't find out where it begins."

Clayton, who despite the thinness of his seersucker coat, had kept his palm-leaf fan busy since he had taken his seat, and who had waited until his host's ear was again free, now broke in cheerily: "Same old story of course, St. George. Another genius gone astray. Bad business, this bee of literature, once it gets to buzzing."

"Look how he wabbles; he walks like he was following a plough in new ground. I wouldn't want him to swing my parasol about that way. What do you reckon ails him?" "I don't know," said Westerfelt. Her words irritated him like the persistent buzzing of a mosquito. "I wonder if that fellow is goose enough to go an' fall in love with Harriet." "What if he should?" Westerfelt was interested.

We talk of bygone, happy days, of the war, and of their present needs so few! Then I tell them I am American. "American?" says the old man, peering into my face, "that means friend." "Yes," I reply, "that means friend." Then I come to a wooden barraque, a hive buzzing with children.

He bore Bixiou's jests as a busy man bears the buzzing of an insect; he was not even annoyed by them. In spite of his cleverness, Bixiou never perceived the profound contempt which Minard felt for him. Minard never dreamed of quarrelling, however, regarding it as a loss of time. After a while his composure tired out his tormentor. He always breakfasted with his wife, and ate nothing at the office.

But the settlement was followed by a short whisper, and a croupier, in a voice as mechanical as ever, chanted that the sum set apart for that table was exhausted for that day. The Klosking and her backers had broken the bank. THERE was a buzzing, and a thronging round the victorious player.

"I will fly on ahead, very slowly, and you can follow me through the woods." Uncle Wiggily did so, and soon he heard a great buzzing sound, and he saw hundreds of bees flying in and out of a hollow tree. At first some of the bees were going to sting the bunny uncle, but his little friend cried: "Hold on, sisters! Don't sting this rabbit gentleman.

He had white fingers, and he ran them over the keys with an air of being at home among them, light little airs dripping from his touch like dew from a glistening grass blade. Marcia felt there were butterflies in the air, and buzzing bees, and fairy flowers dancing on the slightest of stems, with a sky so blue it seemed to be filled with the sound of lily bells.

From that world-wide theatre of nodding heads and buzzing whisperers, in which she now beheld herself unpitiably martyred, one door stood open. At any cost, through any stress of suffering, that greasy laughter should be stifled. She closed her eyes, breathed a wordless prayer, and pressed the weapon to her bosom.

I was to stir some syrup, and Charles came into the kitchen and would talk to me, and as I could n't leave the pot, I had to listen, and then well "I thought as much!" cried the squire, heartily, when Janice paused. "Where the syrup is, there'll find ye the flies. But we'll have no horse-fly buzzing about ye. My fine gentleman shall be taught where he belongs, if it takes the whip to do it."