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The crimson rambler in his button-hole, and his red silk socks, which matched it, lent an artistic touch of colour to the conventional black and white of his evening clothes. Jane looked up from the comfortable depths of her wicker chair; then smiled at his anxious face. "I am ready," she said, and rising, walked beside him. "Has it gone well?" she asked. "Is it a good audience?"

We meet at the station. He bustled off, looking very smart with his neat clothes and a rose in his button-hole. I lunched impatiently, and at two was turning over some new books in Traill's shop with an eye on the street-door behind me. It seemed a public place for an assignation. I had begun to dip into a big illustrated book on flower-gardens when an assistant came up.

"Nowhere in particular; anywhere you like." "But what for?" He hesitated. "I can't tell you at least, it's very difficult; but please come if you can." He raised his eyes suddenly from the ground, and she saw how strange their expression was. "There is something the matter with you," she said gently. He pulled a leaf from the flower in his button-hole, and began tearing it to pieces.

But his discomposure was heightened a moment later by the actual apparition of the returning Pendleton. He was dressed in a tightly buttoned blue frock-coat, which fairly accented his tall, thin military figure, although the top lappel was thrown far enough back to show a fine ruffled cambric shirt and checked gingham necktie, and was itself adorned with a white rosebud in the button-hole.

Barclay was on the threshold; he looked at Lily and missed the bouquet; it was not in Osgood's button-hole what could she have done with it? He looked at Osgood, and saw that his teeth were set with a passion which he could understand. Lily sat down in the nearest chair, and the young men moved away together.

"Ah, madame, votre cuisine est superbe," exclaimed Monsieur Tagliabue, tucking the corner of his napkin into his button-hole, and making preparations for well filling his little rotundity. "Ve," replied Mrs Turnbull. "Mrs Peters, will you try the dish next Mr Turnbull? What is it?" Will you, my lord? If your lordship has not yet got into your French it means roast quarter of lamb."

It was certainly he, with a thin red ribbon at his button-hole, which he had not when he went away, and which showed the importance of the works he had executed and of great perils he had faced. Pierre, trembling and motionless, was silent; the sound of his voice choked with emotion had frightened him.

He was earnestly conversing with and bending over a small, alert fellow, in a rakish beaver and very smart coat, with the blue flowers of modesty bunched saucily in one button-hole. Almost at the same moment Reisen saw the Doctor.

Aldegonde, instead of being bored, took a wondrous rose out of his button-hole and presented it to her. The performance only lasted half an hour, and then the ladies began to think of their bowers. Lady St. Aldegonde, before she quit the room, was in earnest conversation with her lord. "I have arranged all that you wished, Granville," she said, speaking rapidly and holding a candlestick.

No, no, Chris; I shall find some nice man, who has seen through me all the time and who hasn't been taken in by me, as the world has; and I shall say to him, 'By the way, here is a small fire and a few laurel leaves; please warm your hands at the one and wear the others in your button-hole. That is the proper way in which a woman should treat fame merely as a decoration for the man whom she has chosen."