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The view I am expressing to you, pursued Mr Cupples, placidly buttering a piece of toast, 'is regarded as fundamentally erroneous by many of those who think generally as I do about the deeper concerns of life, but I am nevertheless firmly persuaded of its truth. 'It needs epigrammatic expression, said Trent, rising from the table.

If you really believe that I would could be of use to you, I'd like it mightily. And I know all about your 'selfishness, and I'm very grateful to you for for buttering your toast." Later, when they arose and went on, Remsen consented to accompany Joel to his room, bribed thereto with a promise of hot chocolate. They found Outfield diligently poring over a Greek history.

She went downstairs into the kitchen, took another pill with some cola, and then fixed some burnt toast but the idea of buttering it seemed so nauseous to her that she ate it bare. Her shadow on a wall in the hallway when passing into the bathroom to vomit seemed fey and she somehow felt subordinate to its alien presence.

She herself had never believed in buttering bread when there was "sass" to eat with it; but Abe's extravagant tastes had always carried him to the point of desiring both butter and sauce as a relish to his loaf. "Naow, fur 's I'm concerned," pursued Abe, "I hain't got nothin' agin the poorhouse fer neither man ner woman.

It could not have been more than half an hour later when he was buttering his third feathery, golden-brown biscuit. But she had eaten nothing. She watched him, and listened, and again her eyes were somber, but for a different reason. He broke open his egg. His elbow came up just a fraction of an inch. Then he remembered, and flushed like a schoolboy, and brought it down again, carefully.

Ferris stood cleaning his palette, after Don Ippolito was gone, scraping the colors together with his knife and neatly buttering them on the palette's edge, while he wondered what the priest meant by pumping him in that way. Nothing, he supposed, and yet it was odd. Of course she had a bad temper....

I'm going to make you the finest bit of toast you ever saw in your life!" Max, preserving the required silence, watched him make the toast, carefully balancing the bread on the tip of a knife, carefully browning, carefully buttering it. "Now! Taste that, and tell me if there wasn't a great chef lost in me!" He carried the toast back to the fire and watched Max eat the first morsel. "Nice?"

"I should not go on that account," said Deronda, buttering his bread attentively. He had an objection to this transparent kind of persuasiveness, which all intelligent animals are seen to treat with indifference. If he went to Diplow he should be doing something disagreeable to oblige Sir Hugo. "I think Lush's notion is a good one. And it would be a pity to lose the occasion."

The rest, being strict Roman Catholics, think it wrong." "Are you quite sure last night did, not over-tire you? You are certainly disposed to be argumentative this morning." "I think," suggested Narcissus, buttering his toast carefully, "you might at least hear what Dorothea has to say." "Oh, certainly! Indeed, if she has been committing me to her projects, I have a right to know the worst."

Billy Senior thought it very amusing to see her, buttering a bowl for bread-pudding, or running small garments through her machine, while she recited "The Pied Piper" or "Goblin Market" to a rapt audience of two staring babies. But somehow the sight was a little touching, too. "Bill, don't you honestly think that they're smarter than other children, or is it just because they're mine?"