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The wide green door, set far back in a recess not unlike a kiosk, was opened by a man-servant who might easily have been mistaken for a waiter from Delmonico's or Sherry's. He did not have the air or aplomb of a butler, nor the smartness of a footman.

Confronted with her brothers, the two men in the world who could be frankly brutal to her, Mary's dignity suffered; she persisted she meant to go on seeing me, but she was reduced to passionate tears. Into some such state of affairs I came that morning on the heels of my letter, demanding Lady Mary of a scared evasive butler.

When the butler had disappeared, he said: "This house is getting more and more like a barracks every day. You've got men all over the place. One can't move a step without falling over one." Mr. Bagley drew himself up stiffly, as he always did when assuming an air of authority. "Your father's personality demands the utmost precaution," he replied.

The guards went thru his pockets, and felt him all over, and then one of them marched him up the long gravel avenue thru the forest, climbed a flight of marble steps to the palace on the knoll, and turned him over to a Chinese butler who walked on padded slippers. If Peter had not known that this was a private home he would have thought it was an art gallery.

"And an Italian doctor named Moroni?" Folcker shook his head, as he replied: "I have no recollection of an Italian doctor. We were in Florence only two weeks." "Of course you know Mr. De Gex's butler, a man named Horton?" I asked. "No, the man I know is named Farmer. I haven't been to Stretton Street for over a year." It would therefore appear that Horton was a new servant.

Nay, truly, said the lord, you shall not serve your writ till you have tasted some of my good Quinquenays wine, and been a witness to a wedding which we are to have this very minute. Let him drink and refresh himself, added he, turning towards the levitical butler, and then bring him into the hall.

"Funny thing you should speak about that," commented Ike, glancing casually about to make certain that no one was within earshot. "I hear that there's piles of stuff in that house, and there's only a butler and a man named Lomont, who was Grell's secretary, living there now to look after things. It would be easy to do a bust there." Fred's pulses jumped a little faster as he toyed with his glass.

He decided to go to Butler at once, the only disturbing thought being that he would now be compelled to reveal his own and Stener's affairs. So reentering his runabout he drove swiftly to the Butler home. When he arrived there the famous contractor was at dinner. He had not heard the calling of the extras, and of course, did not understand as yet the significance of the fire.

You saw how I threw myself down quite carelessly and yet my coat wasn't pulled up like that." "God, sir!" cried the butler. "You mean the corp had been pulled along the floor by the shoulders!" Carrington nodded. "Then he had been killed near the windie!" "Not too fast, not too fast!" smiled Carrington.

"What do you think of that?" I asked Andrew Johnson, who stood by me, and Johnson answered sharply, with an oath: "I never like a man to be for me more than I am for myself." I have been told that even at home General Butler could never acquire the public confidence. In spite of his conceded mentality and manliness he gave the impression of being something of an intellectual sharper.