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The sudden change in surroundings, good food, and the number of fellow-creatures, the noise of traffic, and want of exercise all these combined are apt to affect a man's head, even when unaided by the constant flow of liquor with which a popular bushman is deluged a deluge hard to resist in a country where to refuse a drink amounts to an insult.

In the night a "camp" may pass, slaughtering such cattle as may have remained without the palisade, or killing the unfortunate shepherd who has not got within the walls, and in the morning they may be nowhere to be seen, having disappeared like vermin. Face to face the Bushman is never to be feared; a whole "camp" or tribal family will scatter if a traveler stumbles into their midst.

But there was tall, graceful, pink-and-white Bertha Buckolt, blue-eyed and blue-black-haired, and little Mary Carey with the kind, grey eyes and red-gold hair; there was Mary's wild brother Jim, with curly black hair and blue eyes and dimples of innocence; and there was Harry Dale, the drover, Jim's shearing and droving mate, a tall, good-looking, brown-eyed and brown-haired young fellow, a "better-class" bushman and the best dancer in the district.

A bushman of rare resourcefulness, wide knowledge of the dry as well as the moist parts of North Queensland, a reader, and an acute and accurate observer of natural phenomena, he has often entertained me with the relation of episodes in his career which, though quite unsensational, is of the material of which the history of the bush must be compiled.

The sides of the chamber were festooned with every imaginable garment, from the white full-dress coat of an Austrian officer down to a shocking pair of corduroys "lifted' by Jantje from the body of a bushman, which he had discovered in his rambles. All these clothes were in various stages of decay, and obviously the result of years of patient collecting.

He had read of a fatal insect that frequented some districts in the interior of South Africa, and the first sight of these flies aroused his suspicions that it might be they. He communicated his thoughts to the others, who at once shared his alarm. "Call Swartboy hither!" said Von Bloom. The Bushman was called, and soon made his appearance, coming up from the spring.

I have such a long story I don't know where to begin, and I won't begin anyway till we're through with this and until you have told me that you are not angry with me." "Ogu what place b'long you?" she went on with her catechism. But Ogu was a bushman, lacking knowledge of the almost universal beche-de- mer English, and half a dozen of his fellows wrangled to explain.

The wants of the bushman, who relies on one weekly paper for his sole intellectual food, and who, though often well educated, is far away from libraries or books of any kind, have given rise to a class of weekly papers which are quite sui generis. The model on which they are all formed is the Australasian, published by the Argus proprietors, which is still the best known and the best.

Before him, in the faint light shed by the down-turned lamp, he saw the figure of a man, leaning slightly forward, clad in the attire of an ordinary bushman an unbuttoned jacket hanging loosely open over a cotton shirt; tweed trousers secured at the waist by a narrow strap; travel-stained leggings and heavy boots with well-worn spurs dangling at the heels.

Although Thring is a good bushman and does his best, poor fellow, yet he wants experience and maturer judgment; he has had hard work of it lately, but he is always ready to start again at any moment that I wish. Wind, south-east. A few light clouds about. Saturday, 11th October, The Taylor. The natives camped last night at their former place; they seem to have given up all their buffoonery.