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"The origin was in that greatest of all curses, slavery; nothing demoralises so much. These boors had been brought up with the idea that a Hottentot, a bushman, or a Caffre were but as the mere brutes of the field, and they have treated them as such.

With one barrel of his ten- gauge shot-gun he had blown the life out of the bushman who had so nearly got him; with the other barrel he had peppered the bushmen bending over Sagawa, and had the pleasure of knowing that the major portion of the charge had gone into the one who leaped away with Sagawa's head. Everything had occurred in a flash.

He had only one piece of cord. That was attached to the arrow that still stuck fast. How was he to detach and get possession of it? There appeared to be no other way but by going up to the door and cutting it from the shaft. In this lay the danger; for, should the lion perceive him and rush out by the window, it would be all over with the Bushman.

"You'll have to go to England to make your claim good, I expect. It's straight enough. That's what brought Mr. Carew out here, to try and find you." For some time the bushman smoked in silence, looking at each man in turn, perhaps expecting them to laugh. He muttered once or twice to himself under his breath. Then he turned on Gordon again. "Now, look here, Mr. Gordon, is this square?

That was a secret known only by Swartboy, and in the execution of it the Bushman played first fiddle, with the important air of a chef de cuisine. He proceeded as follows: He first dug a hole in the ground, about two feet deep, and a little more in diameter just large enough to admit one of the feet, which was nearly two feet diameter at the base.

Now, with a tomahawk stuck in the saddle-cleat he had made to hold it, and a stock-whip dangling from one hand, the bushman ambled off on his roan-coloured mare in the direction of this same gully.

At last he caught sight of them grazing on a small patch of Bushman grass growing in the hollow between two dunes, and after a considerable amount of trouble managed to secure them, and making them fast to a convenient bush he climbed a big dune to have a look round and try and mark out for himself a straight cut back to camp.

Hemlock Jim deliberately set down his tray, the Ontario bushman seemed gathering himself together for some purpose, and there was an ominous glitter in Johnston's eyes, while just as I expected the fray to begin, the proprietor called out laughingly: "Sit right down, Jim. Pass on them glasses, Jess. I guess they won't refuse you."

The same was resorted to in the evening. Peace, harmony and brotherly love characterized all the settlers at Allen's Camp from the very beginning." In August, 1878, Samuel G. Ladd wrote from the new St. Joseph, that the United Order worked harmoniously and prosperously. In that year manufacturing of brooms was commenced by John Bushman.

"There they go we are betrayed down with them," were the cries that we heard; but to our satisfaction a man whom we had not counted on rushed between us and the crowd, his voice, clear and ringing, being heard above the din. "Put up your knives," he shouted, "or you'll bring trouble on me and my house. Let the gentlemen go it's nothin' but a fadlin' cove they've got, and not a bushman.