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Burroughs gives as benefits that the Jews derived from the captivity the following four things: the destruction of idolatry; the rise of the synagogue; a deepened respect for the law of Moses; a longing for the Messiah.

Over in the Garden of Spices was friendship and laughter and romance galore. The whole world was transformed for Jims. From that time Jims lived a shamelessly double life. Whenever he was shut in the blue room he escaped to the Garden of Spices and he was shut in very often, for, Mr. Burroughs being away, he got into a good deal of what Aunt Augusta called mischief.

And then I chid myself for my foolish heart that made every thought that entered my brain lead to Florence Lloyd. With my mind in this commotion I scarcely heard Mr. Porter's words. "No, no," he was saying, "we need no other or cleverer detective than you, Mr. Burroughs.

"You're sure," she murmured as Burroughs left them to interview the station clerk, "you're sure they'll never know?" "I'm positive," he stolidly responded. "Just stick to your story." "The Evershams won't question they are never interested in other people," she mused, with thankfulness. "But Mr. Falconer " "Won't have a doubt," said Billy firmly. His gloom closed in thickly about him.

The contrast between the two men was great in every way, except perhaps in the matter of age, for both were on the shady side of fifty; but while one of them, Mr Richard Marshall, merchant and shipowner, to wit, was still hale and hearty, carrying himself as straight and upright as though he were still in the prime of early manhood, the other, who was none other than John Burroughs, the captain of the Bonaventure, moved stiffly and limped painfully as a result of many wounds received during his forty years of seafaring life, coupled with a rapidly increasing tendency to suffer from severe attacks of rheumatism.

Burroughs nodded, but rode rapidly away, the corporal after him. Mrs. McPhail became instantly lachrymose. Dr. Burroughs wanted at the agency? That could mean only one thing, Mr. McPhail must be wounded, he was always so impetuous. In vain Mrs. Cranston strove to soothe her.

It drains this high pastoral country, where the farms hang upon the mountainsides or lie across the long, sloping hills. The look of those farms impressed me as the fields of England impressed Mr. Burroughs "as though upon them had settled an atmosphere of ripe and loving husbandry."

I wish he was here to see this at its height!" Returning to the little gray farmhouse in the gathering dusk one late September day, Mr. Burroughs paused and turned, looking back at the old home, and up at the cattle silhouetted against the horizon. He gazed upon the landscape long and long. How fondly his eye dwells upon these scenes!

How they loved each other, those two! And how they understood each other! To love is easy, and therefore common; but to understand how rare that is! And oh! such good times as they had! They made taffy. Jims had always longed to make taffy, but Aunt Augusta's immaculate kitchen and saucepans might not be so desecrated. They read fairy tales together. Mr. Burroughs had disapproved of fairy tales.

"This man ought not to be here neglected," she murmured to Davies. Then, rising, she turned to the attendant. "Go at once to Dr. Burroughs and say that Miss Loomis asks him to come here as quick as he can." And Private Paine concluded it best to go without further words. The steward, returning to his post, was met at the steps by the young contract surgeon coming over from his corner on the run.