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This change, to the passing female eye, robbed the shop window of its chief attraction; and when painful experience had convinced the regular customers of the Bunner Sisters of Ann Eliza's lack of millinery skill they began to lose faith in her ability to curl a feather or even "freshen up" a bunch of flowers.

I knew him better than Marlowe could he never saw Manderson in his office when there was a big thing on. I knew him better than any of his friends." "Had he any friends?" interjected Trent. Mr. Bunner glanced at him sharply. "Somebody has been putting you next, I see that," he remarked. "No: properly speaking, I should say not.

Bunner earnestly. "It's only the ones who have got rich too quick, and can't make good, who go crazy. Think of all our really big men the men anywhere near Manderson's size: did you ever hear of any one of them losing his senses? They don't do it believe me. I know they say every man has his loco point," Mr.

Next: Manderson goes down without a word to anybody, though Bunner and Martin are both at hand.

I had imitated Manderson's voice many times so successfully as to deceive even Bunner, who had been much more in his company than his own wife. It was, you remember," Marlowe turned to Mr. Cupples "a strong, metallic voice, of great carrying power, so unusual as to make it a very fascinating voice to imitate, and at the same time very easy.

It stood at a little distance from the house, and made a cool retreat from the blaze of the mid-day sun. Mr. Bunner seemed to be in no hurry to get out the car. He offered Trent a cigar, which was accepted, and for the first time lit his own. Then he seated himself on the foot-board of the car, his thin hands clasped between his knees, and looked keenly at the other. "See here, Mr.

She ran upstairs after the dress-maker and detained her on the landing. "Miss Mellins, can you tell me where to send for a priest a Roman Catholic priest?" "A priest, Miss Bunner?" "Yes. My sister became a Roman Catholic while she was away. They were kind to her in her sickness and now she wants a priest." Ann Eliza faced Miss Mellins with unflinching eyes. "My aunt Dugan'll know.

Manderson was." "Very well; and he rang for you that night about a quarter past eleven. Now can you remember exactly what he said?" "I think I can tell you with some approach to accuracy, sir. It was not much. First he asked me if Mr. Bunner had gone to bed, and I replied that he had been gone up some time.

Why, you see, dearie, living here all alone by myself it only made one more thing to dust; so I sold it." Evelina's eyes were still travelling about the familiar room. Though it was against all the traditions of the Bunner family to sell any household possession, she showed no surprise at her sister's answer. "And the clock? The clock's gone too." "Oh, I gave that away I gave it to Mrs. Hawkins.

"Now on that Sunday night Manderson knew that I was practically without any money in the world. He knew that Bunner knew it, too. He may have known that I had even borrowed a little more from Bunner for pocket-money until my next check was due, which, owing to my anticipation of my salary, would not have been a large one. Bear this knowledge of Manderson's in mind.