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"I don't sense it that way," Tom Platt put in from his bunk, his scarred face lit up by the glare of a match as he sucked at his pipe. "It stands to reason the sea's the sea; and you'll get jest about what's goin', candles or kerosene, fer that matter." "'Tis a mighty good thing," said Long Jack, "to have a frind at coort, though.

Sirens screamed "take-off," and he strapped himself into his bunk. When he felt the pressure subside and knew they were in space he unstrapped and relaxed. But there was nothing he could do. Later there was the sound of a key in the lock. When the door opened a heavy-set man carrying a blaster stepped inside. "Stand back, Bud, and keep your hands in sight."

Kr-kr-kr-p! Kr-kr-kr-p! And his shells were flying all around us. The cookhouse was only about 20 yards off and I wondered if Scotty would now loosen up a bit, and I stepped over leaving Lawrence in charge of the gun. The cook had crawled under his bunk, which was merely a slight wire mattress raised a couple of feet off the floor.

Compelling himself to walk noiselessly to his bunk, he crept under his blanket without even taking off his shoes. He had been gone three hours; and they had been the most momentous hours of his life. Kling-ng-ng-ng-ng ... Off went the clock. It was midnight. Muttering drowsily, Filippo slid out of his bunk, checked the alarm, and lighted a lamp. Then he busied himself with his cooking-utensils.

"How long will it be before you're better?" "Oh, days and days, they say." "Oh!... And have you got it too?" I asked of the man in the bunk. And he looked at me for a minute, and then laughed, and said, "Yes, I've got it too. Don't you come near me," for I had come into the room at sound of Carette's voice, and he looked very much nicer when he laughed. "Oh Hilaire!" cried the unseen Carette.

The captain peered into the starboard stateroom, where the bed-clothes still lay tumbled in the bunk, the blanket flung back as they had flung it back from the disfigured corpse before its burial. 'Now, I told these niggers to tumble that truck overboard, grumbled Davis. 'Guess they were afraid to lay hands on it. Well, they've hosed the place out; that's as much as can be expected, I suppose.

"Couple o' pounds, money down," said Bill, holding out his hand. The captain examined the contents of his pocket, and after considerable friction bought the bunk for a pound cash and an I O U for the balance. A more humane man would have shown a little concern as to his benefactor's sleeping-place; but the captain never gave the matter a thought.

So he ate and drank with just as good an appetite as ever when dinnertime came though it was later than usual, through Snowball not having been able to light the galley fire till nearly dark; and, on the arrival, according to Mr Zachariah Lathrope's reckoning, of bedtime, he curled himself up in his bunk, going to sleep as composedly as if he had been safe and sound ashore, with the comforting assurance to the others, as he said "good-night," that "if things should kinder turn out onpleasant, why, I guess they'll rouse me up!"

A great silence seemed to brood over the country which she could not see. She remembered how lonely the ranch house seemed to be when she had first seen it the previous afternoon. Even the bunk houses where the help slept were at some distance, and not in this easterly direction. Blackness seemed to have shut down all about the great dwelling, like a curtain.

He had fallen among animals instead of men, and his body grew cold with a chill that was more horrible than that of the snow and the wind. He saw the thin-faced man who had spoken for him sitting again on the edge of his bunk. Mutely he looked to the others to see which was Scotty. He was the young man who had clutched the can of beans. It was he who was frying bacon over the sheet iron stove.