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The deft hands moved on, and touched the wound, made by a bullet that had passed entirely through his shoulder. Paul had fainted from loss of blood, and without the coming of help would surely have been dead in another hour. The boy lay on his side, and, in some convulsion as he lost consciousness, he had drawn his arm about his head.

She rose early, and, after her simple breakfast, put on her white hat, and, kissing the old woman tenderly, said: "I am going out for a few hours; there are one or two people I want to see Peggi Bullet, and Shôn, the sexton. Then I am going to cross the Rock Bridge." She did not tell Nance that her chief object was to pay a last visit to her old haunts by the Berwen.

But there was no such survey, and Golah watched the sentinel, himself unseen. The attention of the Arab was wholly occupied in looking for the approach of a foe from the land side; and he was in continual fear of hearing the report of a musket or feeling the stroke of its bullet.

Lorenzo's right arm was broken by a bullet, and then, while he was running, he was shot in the back. This same band had killed a man and a boy at Black Rock and a herdsman at Bear Springs Flat. May 23, 1886, Frank Thurston of Pima, while starting a lime kiln, six miles from the town, was surprised by eight Apaches and killed.

Would you not suppose these persons had been whispered, by the Master of the Ceremonies, the promise of some momentous destiny? and that this lukewarm bullet on which they play their farces was the bull's-eye and centrepoint of all the universe? And yet it is not so.

At such a range and in such a formation a single Mauser bullet may well pass through many men. A few dashed forwards, and were found dead at the very edges of the trench.

By way of a reminder, when me and the Army was eighteen hundred yards away, I drops a bullet near him standing on the snow, and all the people falls flat on their faces. Then I sends a letter to Dravot, wherever he be by land or by sea." At the risk of throwing the creature out of train I interrupted, "How could you write a letter up yonder?" "The letter? Oh! The letter!

If I did so, he would imagine that he had frightened me. But I had no fear, and I could not bear that he should think I had. He fired. My ears sang. The room was full of a new odour, and a cloud floated reluctantly upwards from the mouth of the revolver. I sneezed, and then I grew aware that, firing at a distant of two feet, he had missed me. What had happened to the bullet I could not guess.

At first the buffaloes and the horses seemed well matched, but by degrees the superiority of the latter became obvious, as the savages drew nearer and nearer to the flying mass. Soon a puff or two of smoke, a whistling bullet and a whizzing arrow told that the action had begun. Here and there a black spot struggling on the plain gave stronger evidence.

This is the gun in which the boer puts all his trust; and although an American backwoodsman would at first sight be disposed to laugh at such a weapon, a little knowledge of the boer's country would change his opinion of the "roer." His own weapon the small-bore rifle, with a bullet less than a pea would be almost useless among the large game that inhabits the country of the boer.