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The hanging basket, now an unhung and travelling basket, heavy, iron-ribbed, anciently mossy, oozy of slime, fell with neat exactitude upon the bald, bare cranium of Mr. Alastair Kenneth MacIlwraith, head gardener, and dour, irascible child and woman hater. "Bull's-eye!" commented Dam always terse when not composing fairy-tales. "Crikey!" shrieked Lucille.

I shot very badly. The cook obligingly interested himself in my performance and kept tally on my aim, pointing out to me when it was high, when it was low, to the right or to the left. Then he took his six shooter and put a half dozen bullets in the bull's-eye offhand. I lost my interest in shooting.

But he thought it didn't matter his being rather a long time gone, because the others could pass the time in wondering whether anything would jump out on them, and if so, what and when. So when he got back to the red steps and the open door and flashed his glorious bull's-eye round it was rather an annoying thing for there not to be a single other eye for it to flash into. Every one had vanished.

But Raffles raised his eyebrows an eloquent half-inch. "As much, my dear Bunny? He is not only in it, but of it; there's no comparison between us there. Society is in rings like a target, and we never were in the bull's-eye, however thick you may lay on the ink! I was asked for my cricket. I haven't forgotten it yet.

On one occasion Toller had landed a huge pebble, the size of an eight-pounder shot, into the very bull's-eye of the feast to wit, a basket containing six bottles of Heidsieck's Special Reserve. It was this performance which led Sir George to report the case to the authorities and insist on Toller being put under restraint.

Jack Everson fumbled his rifle and looked with sparkling eyes at the beast. "What a chance for another bull's-eye!" he said, in a low voice. "I would take him right between and above his forelegs, where I should be sure of reaching his heart." "Don't fire unless he advances to attack us," warned the elder.

There was a place where they had massacred three trappers and taken their scalps, and in that cave "Bull's-eye Charlie," the famous Indian scout, lying curled up like a ball, and with only the mouth of his rifle peeping out, had held twenty of the red-skinned braves at bay for a whole day.

The sailor opened his bull's-eye. As its glare flashed upon the half swooning man, he opened his eyes. The recognition was mutual yes, and instantaneous. The stowaway glared fiercely upwards, and uttered but one word "Harkaway!" "Hunston!" Harkaway, the noble and generous, and Hunston, the villain from boyhood to manhood, together face to face! After all these changes and trials and vicissitudes.

There stands the little cottage of the Hubbards, looking just as it did three years since; it is possible that one or two of the bull's-eye panes of glass may have been broken, and changed, and the grey shingles are a little more moss-grown; but its general aspect is precisely what it was when we were last there.

And it is natural enough that a good many sighting shots should be wasted on a new target before even an accomplished marksman could plump his bullet in the bull's-eye.