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Breed heard a single bugle note of a young bull, the last he was to hear for another ten months, for the mating time of the antlered tribes had been ushered out with the storm. The gray owls hooted the warning that they would soon set forth on silent wings to strike down any small creature that moved across the white carpet under the trees.

Apparently they must have counted an extra form among the muddy group; and just had to give expression to their satisfaction; for Noodles yelped excitedly, while Eben sent out a series of blasts from his bugle, which, upon examination, seemed to bear some faint earmarks to "Lo, the Conquering Hero Comes!" And when they landed at this half-way stage in their tiresome journey, Mr.

A young officer invited the lads to spend the night in his quarters, and they accepted gratefully. They followed General Adamson's injunction and turned in early. They were very tired, and they were asleep the moment they hit their cots. It seemed to Hal that he had just closed his eyes when he was aroused by the sound of a bugle.

Doctor Hutchinsis offiss was likewise lited up and a Transpirancy, on which was painted the Queen in the act of drinkin sum of "Hutchinsis invigorater," was stuck into one of the winders. The Baldinsville Bugle of Liberty noospaper offiss was also illumernated, & the follerin mottoes stuck out "The Press is the Arkermejian leaver which moves the world." "Vote Early." "Buckle on your Armer."

Sol Flatbush is not in evidence, either. I'll bet a cooky they've skipped." It was getting light in the east, and the Indians rode once more into the passage, firing their rifles. Then they charged. But soon they came rushing back; the boys at the entrance had again repulsed them. From far away came the soft but clear call of a bugle. "The troops!" cried Ted, springing to his feet.

When the inhabitants approached, they were greeted by the sharp question—"Who goes there?" while the rattle of the soldier’s musket was heard, as he presented it against their breasts. There was no quiet, even on the Sabbath day. The pious descendants of the Puritans were shocked by the uproar of military music, the drum, fife, and bugle, drowning the holy organ peal and the voices of the singers.

"Great Caesar's ghost," Percy ejaculated in a weak voice, "but we have had a fright about you, and here you are giving an evening reception!" "Nothing has happened, then?" Ben managed to gasp. "That little arch fiend led us into a jungle and lost us," went on Percy. "We heard the bugle calls for help. Gee! But we have had a run." "And you're all right? You're safe?" cried Ben, counting them over.

As we swept down before the river-front of the city, I was struck with the appearance of the steep tin-roofed houses and many little domes glancing back the moon's rays; when, turning to regard St. Helen's, the blaze of a port-fire arrested my attention; the flash of the gun instantly succeeded, whilst, amidst its prolonged echoes, rose the contending notes of drum and bugle.

Then up spake Robin, and quoth he, "This silver bugle I keep in honor of this shooting match; but thou, Gilbert, art the best archer of all the King's guard, and to thee I freely give this purse of gold. Take it, man, and would it were ten times as much, for thou art a right yeoman, good and true. Furthermore, to each of the ten that last shot I give one of these golden shafts apiece.

Jackson, holding up his wounded hand, came to the artillery. "Get these guns out of my way. I am going to give them the bayonet." The bugler put the bugle to his lips. The guns limbered up, moving out by the right flank and taking position elsewhere upon the plateau. Jackson returned to his troops. "Fix bayonets! Now, men, charge and take those batteries!"