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Shall it be John Crumb or Mrs Buggins? 'He wouldn't come, Mrs Hurtle. 'Leave that to me, Ruby. May I bring him if I can? Then Ruby in a very low whisper told Mrs Hurtle, that if she thought proper she might bring John Crumb back again. 'And there shall be no more nonsense? 'No, whispered Ruby.

He's that troubled he just keeps his eyes on the floor, an' says as he has something private he must tell you. Perhaps Mr. Lewis has broke his leg. I'm sure I don't know." "Come on, Buggins," said Miss Delaires to the masseuse. "Don't you hear? There's a gentleman waiting to see me." Buggins shook her head. "The hour ut is not finish," she said calmly. "Five minutes yet."

In spite of all that the Germans had done, quite good accommodation was found for all ranks, and its improvement by old doors, shutters, and selected débris from other ruins provided much amusement. Father Buggins and the Doctor, with a wheelbarrow, were to the fore collecting armchairs covered in red velvet. Stoves and fuel were abundant, and at this time booby-traps were few.

Her immediate object was to take herself out of the room, but this she did not know how to achieve. At last her aunt spoke again: "If you please, I will get you to ask your landlady to send for a cab." Then the cab was procured, and Buggins, who had come home for his dinner, handed her ladyship in.

"Buggins, show the Reverend Mr. Robarts to the Lord Petty Bag." Buggins was the messenger for whose not vacant place all the peeresses were striving with so much animation. And then Mark, following Buggins for two steps, was ushered into the next room. If a man be altered by becoming a private secretary, he is much more altered by being made a Cabinet minister.

But he was not the man for whose coming she in truth longed. It was Mr Samuel Rubb who now called, and when Mrs Buggins told her lodger that he was in the parlour, she went down to see him willingly.

Another he sent to the old Mackenzie, baronet at Incharrow, and two more to the baronet's eldest son, and the baronet's eldest son's wife. A copy he sent to Mrs Tom Mackenzie, and a copy to Miss Colza; and a copy also he sent to Mrs Buggins. And he sent a copy to the Chairman of the Board at the Shadrach Fire Office, and another to the Chairman at the Abednego Life Office.

Mrs Buggins was very anxious that the future "baronet's lady" should go out upon her grand visit with a proper assortment of clothing. That argument of the baronet's lady was the climax of Mrs Buggins' eloquence: "You, my dear, as is going to be one baronet's lady is going to a lady who is going to be another baronet's lady, and it's only becoming you should go as is becoming."

I've been WATCHIN' you all this week! Plucky smart you thought yerself, didn't you? One day beggin', next time shammin' tight, and next one o' them old pals from Kimberley what never come when I'm in. But you left the same tracks every day, you buggins, an' the same tracks every night, all round the blessed premises." "All right, guv'nor," drawled Raffles; "don't excite. It's a fair cop.

'Poltry' was the general term among the frequenters of the 'Mother Huff' for 'poetry. "Ay, ay!" replied Buggins, somewhat condescendingly, as one who bore in mind that he was addressing a creditor; "I don't understan' poltry myself, but Josey speaks fine when he has a mind to there's no doubt of that. Look 'ee 'ere, now; there's Ipsie Frost runnin' to 'im!"