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After receiving this Margaret held out no longer but was carried off by the handsome lady in the grand carriage, very much to the delight of Mrs Buggins.

"What an objectionable beast!" He walked on, and, his former train of thought being entirely disturbed, he went to the 'Mother Huff, where he was a frequent visitor, his elaborate courtesies to Mrs. Buggins enabling him to hear from that lady's pious lips all the latest news, scandal and gossip, true or untrue, concerning the whole neighbourhood.

An' they took the gel away with 'em a purty little slip of about fifteen then, with great big eyes and a lot of bright 'air; don't none of ye remember 'er?" Mr. Buggins shook his head. "'Twas afore my time," he said. "I ain't had the 'Mother Huff' more'n eight years." "I seed 'er once," said Bainton "but onny once that was when I was workin' for the Squire as extra 'and.

If I'd a' known anything about that, my dear, I shouldn't have made so free about Buggins; indeed, I shouldn't." "You're talking nonsense, Mrs Buggins; indeed, you are."

Margaret protested against these encroachments, but, still, the money would be forthcoming. Once, towards the end of February, Mrs Buggins seduced her lodger down into her parlour in the area, and Miss Mackenzie thought she perceived that something of the old servant's manners had returned to her.

By this time a considerable number of the villagers had gathered round Roger Buggins as the centre of the discussion, some out of curiosity, and others out of a vague and entirely erroneous idea that perhaps if they took the proper side of the argument 'refreshers' in the way of draughts of home-brewed ale at the 'Mother Huff' between church hours might be offered as an amicable end to the conversation.

This time three weeks elapsed before he joined another draft and again submitted himself for medical examination in France. The result was the same. I do not wonder. I saw Buggins's spine once, and I hold strongly that "Blighty is the place for him." After that I lost sight of Private Buggins, for I was moved to a new camp; but I have no reason to suppose the case is settled.

And then Buggins retired sighing, to console himself with a pot of porter behind a large open office ledger, set up on end on a small table in the little lobby outside the private secretary's room. Buggins sighed again as he saw that the date made visible in the open book was almost as old as his own appointment; for such a book as this lasted long in the Petty Bag Office.

In answer to this Margaret would say that it didn't signify, and that it wasn't on that account; and I have no doubt but that the two women thoroughly understood each other. There was a subject on which, in spite of all her respect, Mrs Buggins ventured to give Miss Mackenzie much advice, and to insist on that advice strongly.

"But if what we heard last night is all true, there's somebody else that does want to ask for something, or, as has asked, as folks say." Margaret blushed up to the eyes, and then protested that she did not know what Mrs Buggins meant. "I never dreamed of it, my dear; indeed, I didn't, when the old lady come here with her tantrums; but now, it's as plain as a pikestaff.