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After what seemed a painfully long interval to the waiting boys, Batters came softly out of the gloom and stood before them. "I reckon there ain't no more danger," he said. "It wasn't Bug what was hit; the other fellow. He's sittin' down thar on the stones now, a pickin' lumps of salt out of his legs with a knife blade.

"Spider!" exclaimed Betty with a little shiver. "What possessed you to take such a name?" "It looks like a water bug the ice is not far removed from water. Hence Spider. Do you get me or the spider?" "Oh, you boys!" sighed Grace. "Girls, shall we consider it the ice boat?" "It will be just the proper caper," said Will. "We can take you all up in one load, and your suit cases, too.

"Not so much as a bug," replied the doctor positively. "Yet I thought when the vapour lifted a bit that I saw something moving." "When was that, sir?" "Ten or fifteen minutes back." "We'll see soon enough, sir," put in Forsythe. "The wind is driving it down to the south'ard." Sullenly, reluctantly, the forbidding mass moved across the headland. All glasses were bent upon it.

Then he fastened long pieces of strong grass to the stick that was stuck through the turnip, and he and Buddy and Brighteyes and the June bug took hold of the grass, and they rolled that turnip along and steered it just as you pull your sled or wheel the baby carriage or guide a horse with a bit in his mouth. And pretty soon they were safely at the pen, and Dr.

Occasionally she laid down her work to straighten some flower which needed attention or to search the garden for a bug for the grosbeak. In one of these absences Elnora said to Philip: "These replace quite a number of the moths I lost for the man of India. With a week of such luck, I could almost begin to talk college again."

There was a heavy step on the stairs, a rap that sounded much as if an elephant had knocked against the jamb in passing, and there in the door stood a six-foot giant, calmly surveying me, as if I were a specimen bug stuck on a pin for inspection, instead of an ordinary man-person with no more than two legs. "Well?"

He thought of everything he could think of; ice cream cones and turnips and baseball games, and being in the boat that time, and going to the North Pole and then he thought of the stories the June bug had told him, but still he couldn't go to sleep. "I guess I'll get up and sit by the window a while," he said to himself. "Then maybe I'll feel sleepy."

But it doesn't show like your doll's," said Nan. "This is a bust of Diana." "Where is she busted?" "All but her head and shoulders." "Who did it?" "A man I guess. This is the 'Kiss of Judas." "Oh, isn't Judas mean-looking?" "Looks like a bug thief." This from Beth. "Burglar, child," said Nan.

Toad, and he didn't look at all pleased. "Who's a bug?" he repeated. Instead of answering, Jimmy Skunk began to laugh. "Who's a bug?" demanded Old Mr. Toad, more crossly than before. "There isn't any bug, Mr. Toad, and I beg your pardon," replied Jimmy, remembering his politeness. "I just thought there was. You see, I didn't know you were under that piece of bark. I hope you will excuse me, Mr.

He had the presence of mind to flee, and they went round and round the caldron, while Mitchy-Mitch feebly endeavoured to follow his appearance, in this pursuit, being pathetically like that of a bug fished out of an ink-well, alive but discouraged. Attracted by the riot, Samuel Williams made his appearance, vaulting a fence, and was immediately followed by Maurice Levy and Georgie Bassett.